Sunday, May 31, 2009

Killdeer Nest

My husband found spotted this killdeer nest in a field near the barn.

I took a video of the mother killdeer feigning a broken wing to distract me into moving away from her precious nest. That's her instinctual response when she perceives danger.


I may not blog for a few days. I'm just really busy and tired, that's all. Take care. (P.S. - I appreciate all your kind comments of the past few days and hope to respond to them soon.)



Anonymous said...

I sometimes wonder how killdear survive the "survival of the fittest" thing. They nest in the most idiotic places. I used to have to stake out portions of my front lawn so I wouldn't mow em down. I real used to the broken wing care Jeannelle and don't work too hard!

Bren Haas said...

These Eggs are wonderful! I always wondered what the kill-dear eggs look like. THank you for sharing.

Mary Humphrey said...

I learned about kildare's today. I see them from time to time here but have not seen a nest such as this one. Interesting.

I 100% understand being tired, and sometimes not feeling like writing. Take a are allowed!

Alicia @ boylerpf said...

Killdeers always amaze me where they build their nests...sometimes right in the middle of the road! We always put flags up so drivers know to go around. Hope you enjoy your rest!

Gail said...

I was almost grown before I realized it was a Killdeer and not a Killdee. I love to find a nest, the mother is so beautiful to watch.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Take care of yourself. Rest up and do something as a treat!

Caution/Lisa said...

I didn't know that was a bird. I'm a great naturalist like that, you know. Rest and know we'll be thrilled when you return to blogging.

Gigi Ann said...

What a cute video, but it is amazing how those mothers of the eggs do anything to draw our attention away from the nest. Poor "dears."

Leenie said...

Killdeer are about my favorite--aw heck, they are all my favorite--but killdeer are so cheerful and brave. They keep you company in the field and bother no one. When I was a tot I brought home a baby one. Was told sternly to return it to its mother. I took it back and left it where I could hear her calling.

This time of year is certainly most busy for farmers, so take care. Hope that new well pump is working for you.

Egghead said...

Oh Jeanelle that brings back memories of running through my grandfathers fields. There were many Killdeer nests and we used to laugh watching the mom trying to guide us away from her eggs doing just exactly what you filmed. thanks for the step back in time.