Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Cross and Faith

mar 19 095

This photo was languishing in a forgotten file from last year. It seems appropriate for today, a Sunday, and because I do attend a Christian Church. God’s greatest work was done there, so says the Bible, so says the Church.

Anyhow……can you figure out where this photo was taken? And, where the light is coming from? If I weren’t so lazy, I’d offer a prize to the winner. You’ll just have to be content in knowing that you know the answer.

Our pastor had an excellent sermon this morning. He talked about faith, and how works will automatically accompany faith, though we are never to become obsessed over the works that we do. Actually, we are to be oblivious to and unaware of our works, I think.

Have a pleasant Labor Day Sunday!!


Mary said...

Ceramic or stainless tiles with a candle reflection? Whatever it is, I like it. Beautiful.

I wrote about faith today as well. The guilt that I was feeling has finally been released. I do not want to offend anyone with my blog, non-believers, and I do not wish to preach, but putting bits and pieces of my faith and feelings into writing has to come out. I need to write from the heart and soul! If I lose someone now and then, I am being true to myself and God at least.

Take care.

Stepping said...

I believe it's a sunset seen through a glass block window. I have seen this very thing in my bathroom. Beautiful photo and wonderful message. Thank you!

Sempringham said...


Why, it's obviously the intersection of four buttons on a cell phone, photographed at close range, with a setting sun behind you. I'll send the address for delivery of my prize (A NEW CAR!) separately.

I laughed (at myself, not you) when I read your post. We had the same reading from James today (2:14-26), and I was the lay reader. It happens to be one of my favorite passages (faith without works is dead). I read it with dramatic, accusatory emphasis (probably more than our rector would have wished, but that's the danger when you allow lay readers).

I have read that this passage drove Martin Luther bananas, because it contradicted his theology. I believe he went so far as to suggest that the Book of James should be removed from the Bible. It is no surprise to find a Lutheran minister downplaying it.

In fairness to Luther, one of the "works" he was having trouble with was the infamous practice of selling indulgences.

Anyway, I would have loved to argue the point with your pastor – in a friendly way, of course.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Mary,

Thank you for your insightful comment. Being true to ourselves and God.....good advice.


Hi, Steppin' Thru,

You are correct! It is glass block. The light is from a vehicle's brake lights outside the window.


Hi, Sempringham,

Long time, no comment. Your guess is very creative! Too bad that besides being lazy I have no new car sitting around waiting to be given away as a prize.

It warms my heart to hear that Martin Luther went bananas over something.....even this faith vs works issue. Yes, I have read that he wanted to throw out the book of James. He called it a "straw gospel", or something like that, I think.

rhymeswithplague said...

Well, I was going to say, before you declared Steppin' Thru the winner, that you were outside a church standing very close to a stained glass window and pointing your camera into the building, where just beyond the window were some candles on a table, but now I can't say that because the contest is for all intents and purposes over except I just did anyway.

Billy Ray says "hi."

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

It's a beautiful photo, and a creative "found" cross.