Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December 14th

Want to see one of my Christmas decorations? Gaze at the above photo. Want to know what I did today? Read on. I left the farm for a few hours and "went to town" as we say out here in the country. "Town" is about 15 miles away. The roads were a bit snow-packed but that's no problem for a seasoned rural girl like me. I shopped at the mall, enjoying the glittery holiday decor there. Then it was on to the grocery store where I stocked up on food and supplies for upcoming Christmas gatherings, not to mention normal, everyday eating. As far as I'm concerned, shopping for groceries is nothing but just plain work. Other types of shopping can be fun, but not grocery shopping. In my opinion, anyway.
I'm having trouble coming up with titles for my blogposts and have decided to try just using the day's date as a title. It maybe will look strange, but I'm going to try it for awhile. (Hopefully, I can remember what day it is. Sometimes I have trouble with that, too.)


Flea said...

"Town" for us was an hour away, growing up. I get that. Going into town to see a movie was always a treat.

And I feel the same way about grocery shopping. Ugh.

Love your nativity. :)

joanne said...

I have the same nativity...it's so beautiful when the candle is lit.

I agree that grocery shopping is a chore, it seems to be the only place I go anymore though so I try to make an afternoon of it.

I must get busy baking for the weekend festivities..gah. take care.

Gail said...

Through the years, grocery shopping has become my least favorite chore...sometimes I pay my children when they visit to do it for me!

Tiggeriffic said...

Yes, going to town to do any kind of shopping is a pain for me..
This morning I'm wanting to make soup.. Can't make soup without an onion.. Do I drive 15 miles? No I call my neighbor and she says. come over. Double treat.. one onion and a cup of coffee and I get to visit my neighbor. Maybe our neighbors can do the grocery shopping for us and we can just go to their house and pick it up...
O.K. I'm awake...that won't be happening.. But it is nice to have a neighbor where you can pick up a onion and have a cup of coffee/tea.and great conversation.
ta ta for now from Eastern Iowa.

rhymeswithplague said...

Great to see you blogging again. We have exactly one Christmas decoration out so far, and it is a little ceramic sleigh full of toys driven by a teddy bear wearing a Santa hat, and the only reason it is out is that it was overlooked in the packing last year and has been sitting on the baker's rack all year.

Got to get crackin' with the creche and the tree and the shopping. My current post explains some of our activities of late.

DesertHen said...

Beautiful shot of your nativity.

Grocery shopping has always been a chore for me as we have always lived so far from town. At one time in our lives it was a two our drive to the nearest city to get groceries. We only went twice a month. Now that I'm working full time...I really detest grocery shopping. The last thing I want to do after work is shop and the last thing I want to do on the weekend is drive (30 plus miles one way) to town again for groceries. Maybe I need to hire a personal shopper...lol.