Monday, February 28, 2011

Coneflower Memory

A photo-preserved memory from last summer…..

Coneflowers ink outlines…..coneflowers with a Photoshop “ink outline” effect added.  The yellow ones came from a small pasture area on our farm that may be a prairie remnant.  The pink one, which is actually called purple coneflower, was purchased several years ago and has spread like wildfire.  I can’t wait for these perennials to start another season of blooming!


Bernie said...

Me either! I am so glad that tomorrow is March lst and I hope it comes in like a lion so it will go out like a lamb. I love the outline effect. It enhances the flower.

DesertHen said...

That effect really makes the photo "pop"!

I still don't have any flowerbeds, so look forward to planting some spring flowers in the pots that sit on the patio.

Gail said...

My favorite flower!! If I could, I would have them every where.