Friday, November 11, 2011

Bird Nest

By now, most of the burning bush’s leaves have fallen off.  Yesterday I noticed this tiny bird’s nest near the center of the bush:

Nov 10 (1) I’m thinking it might be a Goldfinch nest.   


Pat said...

How cute! I call these "hidden delights" when you find the nests in the trees once the trees are bare!

Ms. Becky said...

your burning bush looks quite mature. mine was just planted a few years ago and I'm suspecting that it's a dwarf because it's a real slow grower. I just learned that it's considered an invasive plant in Wisconsin - something about all the berries it produces and it's found everywhere now, the seeds being carried by birds. I don't really care, I love it. and so too do the birds, obviously. it's providing a home for one family at least. happy weekend to you Jeannelle.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

You have such a pretty blog! I enjoyed looking at all your photos. Thanks for visiting me! :)

Carletta said...

What a wonderful fall find!

Gayle said...

Oh how exciting, such a sweet treasure!

DesertHen said...

It always amazes me when I find a nest built where you wouldn't think it would withstand the hash elements like wind, rain, etc. What a nice little hidden treasure to find!

Connie Smiley said...

We're used to seeing bird's nests in the spring, but this is unique and beautiful.