Oh, my goodness, Jeannelle.....These really are icicles in a row. Awesome shot and perfect for the prompt. BRRRRRR...you all must be pretty chilly. It was 70 degrees here in VA today. Mr. Linky will not accept my “quilts in a row” post, so am including the address in my comments. genie http://climbingthedigitalmountain.blogspot.com
I've been blogging since early 2007. I'm sixty-something and live on a farm in Iowa. I have a husband, four grown children, and seven grandchildren. Taking photos is fun and I like the blog because its weed-free, dust-free, and organized.
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I don't remember even seeing an icicle this winter!
I love the shadow created by the icicles.
Double rows! It has snowed here the past two days. Very icy this morning!
Oh, my goodness, Jeannelle.....These really are icicles in a row. Awesome shot and perfect for the prompt. BRRRRRR...you all must be pretty chilly. It was 70 degrees here in VA today. Mr. Linky will not accept my “quilts in a row” post, so am including the address in my comments. genie
That is very cool love it!
That's an interesting shot! I don't remember seeing an icicle this year, we've had such a mild winter.
What a cool, or should I say, "cold" shot! Ha ha! I love the shadows, too! So many things in a row!
The actual and shadow look like rows of teeth! Beautiful!
I really like this shot. The icicles, shadows and the corrugated side of the building, great things in a row.
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