The true meaning of a "catnap"! It was so hot and humid the past 2 days, that I only went out long enough to water my plant on the patio, then hurried back in so I wouldn't melt!
we had the heat here too - but not so much the humidity. today is much cooler after a cool front came through last evening. no rain though and we needed it. Happy day to you Jeannelle.
I've been blogging since early 2007. I'm sixty-something and live on a farm in Iowa. I have a husband, four grown children, and seven grandchildren. Taking photos is fun and I like the blog because its weed-free, dust-free, and organized.
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What a beautiful cat!
It was horribly hot. Hope you managed to stay cool and have some relaxation over the long weekend.
The true meaning of a "catnap"! It was so hot and humid the past 2 days, that I only went out long enough to water my plant on the patio, then hurried back in so I wouldn't melt!
this kitty is in a zone!
we had the heat here too - but not so much the humidity. today is much cooler after a cool front came through last evening. no rain though and we needed it. Happy day to you Jeannelle.
Sweet kitty kitty.
It's very hot and humid in Alabama too. That kitty doesn't seem to mind.
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