Friday, November 30, 2012

This & That

Yesterday as we drove to town I snapped a photo of an old bridge that I try to get a picture of every time we drive by it, but the photo turned out blurry as usual.  Eventually I hope to get a clear one.  Our lunch was very good and then I sat and read a book while my husband went into farm stores and implement shops to get supplies and pay bills.

Since I didn't get any usable photos from our drive, I'll show you this photo of the baby gift my younger daughter assembled to give to her new nephew recently:  

In the upper right corner of the photo is that picture I blogged about on Thanksgiving Day and in the left corner are a couple of angel figurines my mother has given to me over the years.

I've been trying to catch up on blog-reading.  I had fallen way behind.  If you use a Google Reader to read blogs you'll know what I mean when I say that my tally of unread blogposts had been at 1000+ for quite awhile.  We'll see if I can manage to keep up.

1 comment:

Dan said...

A nice bundle of joy and practical gifts.

Sorry about those blurry pics. Get hubby to stop. :,