Thursday, December 31, 2020


Seven inches of snow fell Tuesday afternoon.  Because there was little wind the snow didn't blow into drifts which was good.  It meant my husband didn't need to get his tractor-mounted snow blower out of the shed.  Here's a few photos from yesterday morning.

When I headed out for chores yesterday morning the temperature was a nearly-balmy 29 degrees.  Not too hard to take.  Usually after a snow we have lots of wind and very cold temps.

Happy New Year's Eve!
Be safe!


rhymeswithplague said...

Balmy is a relative term! Today it is supposed to reach 61 degrees here. Balmy! Our coldest day so far this season was Christmas morning, when it was 29 degrees. Definitely not balmy!

Jeannelle said...

29 with no wind isn't too bad this time of year here in Iowa!

Rose said...

No wind is a real good thing!