Truly, it was a complete surprise to me to end up as the Queen, for I had not even made the "Bottom Five" as a junior. The voting process at our school involved the whole high school first voting for ten junior and senior girls (we didn't have Homecoming Kings back then). The top five vote-getters were the "Top Five" and the others were the "Bottom Five". Usually, if you made the "Bottom Five" as a junior, you could be assured of making the "Top Five" as a senior. Thus, I was stunned to have made the "Top Five" that senior year........the votes from the incoming freshman class must have pushed me to the top; my sister was in that grade, and alot of her friends knew who I was. We voted the final time on the Friday before Homecoming Week; and during the following week, a couple times when I passed our stern-faced principal in the hall and no one else was around, he would start whistling the "There She Is......Miss America" theme song. I just rolled my eyes at that; I thought, "NO WAY!" (Besides, he probably whistled that the other candidates that week, too.)
In this next photo, I am surely shouting, "Mighty Raiders.......Ye had better win ye olde Homecoming football game tonight, or ye will be thrown into yon dark, dungeon-like coal bin behind ye olde boiler room at ye olde school!!" Yes, I was determined that my queenly reign would be wimpy royalness for me!! Our team did win that night, but it was the last victory of the season-----our excellent quarterback was sidelined for the rest of the season after spraining his ankle in this Homecoming game. We ended up with a winning season that year, but I think it was one of the last ones the school has had since then........they switched to 8-man football this year, and had a big win last week, so perhaps they'll earn their first winning season in possibly 30-some years! (And, yes, I firmly believe that bloggers should post only VERY "attractive" photos of themselves on their should attempt to put forth a good impression at all times!)
I'm quite sure these black & white photos were taken by my classmate, Sara, the yearbook photographer; she let me have quite a few of the extra photos from that school year of 1975-76. (Sara has been a lawyer in California for many years, but is moving back here to allow her kids to finish out their growing-up years in Iowa!) I was yearbook co-editor, and had arranged for a professional photographer to take pictures at our Homecoming ceremony; we had contracted with his studio to cover special school events thoughout the year. Well......guess what.......he snapped photos throughout the ceremony with NO FILM IN HIS CAMERA!!! Yes, he called a few days later to tell us what had happened. Great......just great. I can even recollect what spot I was standing in in the yearbook advisor's room when the news was told to me, and my initial extreme consternation. We decided to ask around to see if anyone else had taken snapshots at the ceremony. Fortunately, the dad of one of my classmates was an avid photographer-----actually, we thought he was a bit loony for taking so many photos all the time-----and he saved the day by providing us with snapshots for the yearbook, though they weren't nearly as crisp and clear as what the professional ones would have been......IF the "professional" guy had been on the ball!! We did the best we could with the layout of those Homecoming pages, but the photos of the ceremony are fuzzy. It makes for an interesting memory, at least! (And, this fact suddenly comes to mind: My parents' nickname for me when I was very young was "Fuzzy Bear", due to the fuzz on my baby head. How fitting!)
In this scene we're parked on Main Street in front of the general store in town, with a tavern next door. Across the street was the old drug store, of which there is a photo of in this blog's sidebar.
I was provided with a tin-foil-covered scepter, a banner to wear, and a glittery crown. The dress was one I really liked.......we bought it at the Miller-Wohl clothing store in Oelwein, back when downtown Oelwein was quite a shopping mecca, boasting several dress shops, shoe stores, a Penneys, Sears, Monkey Wards, Spurgeon's, and two dime stores----Woolworth's and Ben Franklin. All those stores are nonexistent in Oelwein now.
My Homecoming crown is still in existence, though, even after being played with over and over by my two daughters and their friends when they were little. Now the teddy bears have to fight over it........(until little granddaughters come along, perhaps)!
Okay!! Go Raiders! Just between you and me, 1975 was only yesterday!!
I graduated in 1973, so that was, what?, a cuople of years ago??! Heh!! Seems like it....!
My high school class had a whopping 37 kids in it! It seemed BIG compared to the school I moved from ... there were 17 in that group!! Everything is relative!
I remember how important Homecoming and high school seemed to me at the time. I was completely amazed that not every person dropped every thing to get into the parade and the game and everything else!!
I even had a red and white car since our schools colors were red and white! Keep the memories and enjoy them!
Congratulations, by the way, on being voted Homecoming Queen!! I know I am a bit late, but....!!
Take care!
Cool post fantastic pictures... and I love your singing :) now yellow rose is stuck in my head :D
Hugs Laura
That was such a fun journey. Thank you for sharing it!
That must have been an amazing experience for you, Queenie! I do believe the school voted correctly.
Love it! What a trip down memory lane. As good as I think my memory is (or I guess I should say WAS), I don't have any recollections about Homecoming parades and such (you know right now that I wasn't the Homecoming Queen, right?).
May you always walk in sunshine, Jeannelle!
Speaking of sunshine, we may get a little bit today. Hooray!!
Great post, Jeannelle! It made us, your readers, all (you should pardon the expression) warm and fuzzy!
At our school, the homecoming queens were ALWAYS cheer leaders, majorettes, basketball stars. But you (and your sister's friends) struck a blow for equality and co-editors of yearbooks! Hooray!
My favorite version of "The Yellow Rose of Texas" is the humorous one by Homer & Jethro (not to be confused with Lum & Abner), and my favorite line in their version is,
"She's the fairest little rosebud, the sweetest gal on earth, her right eye looks at Dallas, her left one at Fort Worth!" (I grew up in Texas, so it's okay for me to poke fun -- but native Texans may think differently.)
You brought a laugh and a tear and a lump to the throat. Are you fishing for another blogger award?
My high school team was the Raiders too. What were your school colors? Mine were blue and orange. (Also in college. Also the color of the Chicago Bears. I'm in a color rut.)
I'm guess that if you were homecoming queen in '75, you graduated in 1976. So did I. So this was quite a trip down memory lane . . . except that I not only wasn't a candidate for homecoming queen, I didn't even go to the dance or to prom. (I was one of those studious types that boys didn't date.)
I love seeing your old photos, and I love that you still have your crown.
I was only yesterday! My graduating class had 49 students, although in former years we had up to 64.....some dropped out or moved away.
Its been years since I looked at these old photos.....or thought about "The Yellow Rose...."!
Thanks for stopping in and kindly commenting!
Caution flag,
Right or wrong, it just happened that way! And, yes, it was great fun!
Thanks for reading, and I certainly hope you get sunshine today....your area is due for some, I'm sure! The verses to that song are really nice thoughts....I had forgotten how nice it was.
Yes, "Rah, Yeah, Annual Staff"!! We did work hard, actually......many late evenings spent in the room behind the business room full of typewriters. We did our own page layouts....cropping photos, typing copy and captions, with deadlines to meet. It was hectic, but fun!
I've never heard your cute "Homer & Jethro" version of "The Yellow Rose...". We really use to tease that Texas teacher/coach of ours.....and he would blush bright red, but he was such a good sport! Is that a Texas trait? I'll never understand how he happened to land in little Dunkerton, Iowa, for those several years, since he'd attended college in Texas.
We were red & black Raiders. And, yes, I was a bicentennial graduate, too!
Often, our queens were cheerleaders or good athletes, of which I was neither. You just never know how it will go.
Thanks for reading!
what lovely memories. It sure brings back plenty for me as well. The floats, the night air, the excitement, the game, the hoopla was so thrilling. Just a few years before ya. It was 1967. I remember it well. Thanks for the memories Bob Hope, errr, Jeannelle.
Very enjoyable to read all that from here in England. I was at university in 1975 - - in some ways it seems about five minutes ago!
Oh, what a great post, Jeannelle! I graduated in 1974 but we'd moved several times that I had ended up at 3 different high schools and could have cared less about homecoming or anything.
Don't you love those white suits the boys wore? Yuk!!
Really fun post.
Hi, Sherry,
Yeah, aren't memories fun!!
Hi, Daphne,
Welcome! Thank you for dropping by and commenting! Yes, 1975 seems like only yesterday!
Hi, Country Girl,
Wow.....and here I was in the same school building from kindergarten through 12th grade! But, you learned well how to make new friends, I'm sure.
Those double knit leisure suits were in for the guys back then, too. Yuk!
Enjoyed your post!! It's interesting.
Hi, bella,
Thanks for visiting! I had great fun writing this post, recalling all the memories!
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