Thursday, March 13, 2008

It Be A Thistle Bee

This bee on a thistle photo was taken last summer and has nothing to do with this blog post.......sorry......its just a random photo.

This morning I arose determined not to spend time doing any blogging today. As soon as I stepped out of the house to make my way across the frozen slush to the barn, my mindset was changed by a wonderful, joyful spring sound........the first red-winged blackbird of the season trilled a greeting from high in a tree overhead! Normally, they hang out on fenceposts along the road, so this fellow must have been determined to let me know he had arrived. Bless his little heart!

I hadn't wanted to wake up, actually. The dream I was in seemed infinitely more interesting than my real life. In the dream, I had been surfing to blogs (first time I ever dreamed about blogging!), and was reading one written by an older woman (not a familiar blog in real life), when the woman suddenly showed up in my house! It took me awhile to realize she was the writer of the blog I was looking at......and then when I did realize it, I was unsure of whether or not to let her know I knew she was the blogger of that blog! Her blog did have a name; its a word that makes no sense, but I'll study it out of curiosity.

Anyway, enough of that meaningless drivel. Have a wonderful day, anyone who happens by here!


Mary Connealy said...

I like the random pictures of flowers. It makes me believe there ever was a warm world. It's supposed to be sixty today. I can't believe it!!!!

Sherry said...

I hear tell they have seen robins in iowa city already. I've yet to see either a robin or my favorite redwing blackies yet. They are my unfailing harbingers of spring. The Contrarian did see Canada Geese yesterday! Spring is ON!

Jeannelle said...

Hi Mary and Sherry!

I hope it did reach 60 for you in Nebraska today, Mary.

And, Sherry.....thanks for the good news that there are robins in Iowa City. Maybe they'll make it to your area tomorrow and here the next day, if they keep steadily moving north.

Thanks, for stopping, you two!