Thursday, April 10, 2008


Listen......I'm just completely thrilled to finally have my own crocus photo to post!! I've seen many lovely ones on other blogs! This purple peeker-upper is in front of the milkhouse.......all the stuff around the crocuses is corn silage that blows out of the silo and lands by the barn. Its like mulch falling out of the sky!
I read somewhere that the meaning of the crocus flower is "Good Cheer".........I wish that for you today!!


Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Oh my! This is so lovely! I hope you will post a follow up when it blooms fully open.

Our daffodils sprung up last week, and we've been feeling Spring is here, but we do know better here in the mountains.
It snowed tonight.....sigh

There is something terribly disheartening about seeing snow covered daffodils...

Jeannelle said...

Welcome, Twinville! Did you say "mountains"......I'll need to head straightaway to your profile to find out where you hail from.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sherry said...

Ah, such a cheery photo on this absolutely sluggy day. I noticed that the daffodils are up everywhere here. They might be abloom in a week or so. Thanks for cheering me on this most dismal of days Jeannelle. Your photos always do.!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Sherry!

Thank you for the kind words about the photo(s).

Yes, the weather today is horrid. This little crocus will be beaten back into the ground, I'm afraid.

Try to enjoy the day, anyway!