Here is the literal translation of Revelation, chapter 1, verse 8: (Jesus, speaking through an angel in John's vision [v.1]): "I am the Alpha and the Omega, Beginning and Ending, says the Lord, the (One) being and who was and is coming, the Almighty."
Click to read the Wikipedia entry for "Alpha & Omega". The two words signify the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet in the era when Revelation was written. Our letters "A" and "Z" are comparable.
Today is Trinity Sunday, for those who follow the traditional Church Year calendar, as my Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod does.
Thus, a blessed Trinity Sunday to you!!
Update: IF only I'd had my act together with enough foresight to have posted this Trinity window TODAY on Trinity Sunday instead of a couple weeks ago. Oh, well.
Today, as on Trinity Sunday every year, we recite the ATHANASIAN CREED. any of you know what that is?? Its got to be the lengthiest creed in the whole world. For whatever reason, to counteract a heresy, no doubt, somebody back in the 4th century A.D. came up with this wordy creed in an attempt to clearly define the Trinity. It contains lines such as:
".......we worship one God in Trinity and Trinity in Unity, neither confusing the persons nor dividing the substance."
"......there are not three Almighties, but one Almighty."
".......there are not three Gods, but one God."
".......there are not three Lords, but one Lord."
"......the whole three persons are co-eternal with each other and co-equal."
Perhaps you can tell that this creed is very repetitive. I grew up knowing of the Trinity......God in three persons, and didn't think beyond that very far concerning the subject. That's one gripe I have with the orthodox Lutheran dissects everything concerning faith, like a surgeon studying the human body, or a mechanic taking apart a car's engine. They must examine the concept of the Trinity, and tell you exactly how to believe it.......the same with the bread and wine of Communion; according to Lutheran doctrine, you must view it exactly a certain way: the Body and Blood of Christ exists IN, WITH, and UNDER the bread and wine. Got that? And does it seem strange that Jesus Himself simply said, "This is my body.....this is my blood." That's what I believe, and my mind doesn't delve into it any further than that.
Jeannelle, my sympathies on the "you must view it exactly a certain way." That's why I changed to the Episcopal Church. (I'm not trying to recruit you from the Lutherans--just commenting.) They don't have a catechism. They teach that faith is based on three things: the Bible, tradition, and reason--the mind that God gave each of us. I'm glad you take the dogmatism with a grain of salt.
As always, I love your stained glass. (And envy it a bit too.)
Beautiful window, Jeannelle. The Alpha and Omega symbol is carved into the front of our altar.
We Episcopalians also follow the common Liturgical Year and thus observed Trinity Sunday today also; however we "cheated" (big grin) since we affirmed our faith using only the Nicene Creed. Our pastor had a very good sermon on the Trinity, however.
Wishing you a great week ahead,
Madeline was recruited to read that creed to our congregation today, and our pastor joked that it's so long he might take a nap while she read it :)
Were you Lutheran before Episcopal? Yes, I'm thankful, really, that I wasn't raised Lutheran, having the catechism force-fed to me all through childhood.
That's absolutely no fair that you guys cheated and said the Nicene Creed!
Now, I'm wondering what denomination you belong to?
Hey there, Jeannelle! I don't know how I managed to miss this post, but somehow I did until I saw it in your listing of posts on the right side of your blog.
Another beautiful window! It's too bad that so many of your church's windows are way up there in the balcony, under tables, and so forth. More people should be able to see and enjoy them. Thanks for including it in your blog.
Better late than never!!
Tomorrow is another Sunday, and another window!!
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