Thursday, July 3, 2008


Please make the acquaintance of "Long-Headed Thimbleweed", AKA Anemone Cylindrica, a member of the Buttercup family.
I was introduced to this whimsical prairie plant many years ago by our milk hauler/science teacher friend; he basically has been the one to spark my interest in wildflowers. This Thimbleweed grows in a flower bed near our house, and did not originate on this farm. Don't tell anyone, but I dug it up in a ditch a few years ago-----actually, that may have been QUITE a few years ago, for as I recall there were two fussy little kids in the backseat of the car that day. (Their mother's wildflower expedition had stretched their patience to the breaking point......and the snacks were all gone!) The milk hauler had spotted the Thimbleweed patch from the high vantage point of his truck cab one day, and informed me of the location. He's been known to dig wildflowers from ditches, also.
Anyhow, the Thimbleweed thrived after its transplanting to our yard, and it survived another transplanting a couple years ago when we remodeled, so I would highly recommend this hardy plant for prairie wildflower gardens.
In a junior high variety show years ago, our chorus sang the Al Jolson song, "Me and My Shadow", while one student, with walking stick and top hat, danced in time to the music, back and forth across the stage, with a bright spotlight creating vivid shadows.


The Thimbleweed photo below reminded me of that:

Enjoy Independence Day Eve!


Mary said...

That is really beautiful! I'm glad to know that I am not the only one (besides the Sopranos) who drives around with a shovel in my car. LOL Love the shadow picture, too.

Happy Fourth!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Mary!

Thank for commenting! Yes, its fun to watch for wildflowers here and there, and to find one that really does well at home is a special treat!