Saturday, August 2, 2008

Crop Report

In this exasperating, sweltering weather, my energy level plummets to nearly flat-line readings.......apparently, my ancestors hailed from cool climates. Sweat has been everyone's constant companion here for the past couple of weeks.......resulting from the most miniscule of exertion, even such as required to type a blogpost. Yesterday, around noon, I found the fortitude to amble towards the mailbox, a quarter-mile down the farm drive, bordered on either side guessed it.........our farm fields! Hence, here's a pictorial crop report, whether you're interested in it or not. The humid weather, while very uncomfortable for us humanoids, is just the ticket for successful growth of field crops!!
What is this?? You should know by now! Its adorns the tops of plants which are now boasting heights of 8 to 10 feet!

Soybeans.......yeah........they're looking really nice right now, each plant a dark green nitrogen factory, considerately returning that crucial nutrient to the soil for future use.

And guess what! Soybean plants have blossoms! I'm not sure I've ever taken time to look at them closely my entire life. Quite lovely, actually! Eventually, the beans will form, looking like little pea pods. Notice, too, the fuzziness on the leaves and stems.


Next we have........well, what DO we have? Alfalfa........growing like crazy to produce the third hay crop of the summer, due to be ready in a couple of weeks.......probably around the time of our son's wedding!! What fun that will be.......trying to make hay and do a wedding at the same time!



Out from amongst the stalks of Cat-tails and Meadow Rue near the mailbox flew this little bird (a Song Sparrow?), landing handily on a corn leaf. Oh, to have such lightness of being!!



The other night, on a whim, I surfed to The Confessions of a Pioneer Woman Blog. She was giving away five Zunes. Yeah......I had no idea what that was, either. Anyhow, I left a comment.......#3604, to be order to be included in the drawing. This morning I stopped by there to see how many comments ended up coming in; I anticipated maybe 4000.......but, the total was over 11,700!! Holy Boy-Cow!! Can you imagine getting that many comments!?


Here's a link to a great post by a new blogging friend, "Gotta Be A Countrygirl". She relates her unique thoughts while sitting at a railroad crossing watching boxcar "art" go by.


Something else which caught my eye yesterday was information about Waterloo, Iowa's 2nd annual Irish Fest. Cool! Click here for info about that. On my mom's side, I can claim Irish ancestry. Husband has none.....haha......he's 100% German! His dad spoke ONLY German until he started kindergarten, and in later years would mutter little German phrases under his breath.......who knows now what they meant........we should have pressed him for the translations before he passed on last fall. We know that one of the mutterings meant, "SICK AS A CHICKEN........CAN EAT, BUT CANNOT WORK!" He'd say that about people he considered to be lazy.


Live today in such a way that an old German guy would NOT mutter that phrase about you!! But, then IS a Saturday, so go ahead, relax and BE LAZY!!



Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment. I enjoy your photos. I grew up in Iowa(20 yrs) and it is nice to see glimpses of home! I've bookmarked your blog and will be back to visit!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, lisak!

Thank you for visiting from SkyWatch and reading this post, too!

Jeannelle said...

To anyone:

I just clicked the tassel photo and the soybean photo to enlarge them and it shows things much better. The tassel, especially,
is interesting.

Have a great day!

Kahshe Cottager said...

Jeanelle.. Thank you so much for your visit and comments on my blog. I really enjoyed reading yours too. I share you interest in photography as well I think. I plan on coming back to visit again!

Anonymous said...

Yes it's been a tad hot. It's been a pleasure frankly to go places the last couple of days, just to enjoy the air conditioning in the bronco. I gave up on Pioneer woman for a while, at least until I can get faster speed. We're hoping later this year to get satellite. T-Mobil offers unlimited local and long distance for $10 with a hookup to computer so we save on the cell phone, and land line in return for the cable. We think we can swing it. Anyhoo. Hey, if you have time, check out my pages meadow flowers. Let me know if any of the names are wrong, I don't have the latin, and my book sometimes leaves a bit to be desired by pictures, so I'm guessing a bit that I have the right names. Stay cool!