This just about made me fall over with laughter this morning: Last night's football game was played at a school which goes by the name of "Turkey Valley"............OK...........this morning my sore and slow-moving tailback son asked me to go to the mailbox to get the newspaper for him. When I got down to the mailbox, here's what I saw on the road........a wild turkey mama and her young'un!! How bizarre is that?! I have NEVER seen a mother turkey with a young one before in my entire life!! Let alone right on the road near our farm! Let alone the morning after playing a team from a place called "Turkey Valley"!! I LOVE IT!!
I had to entend the zoom all the way out to get the picture because I couldn't get very close to the turkeys, of course, or they'd high-tail it back into the tall grass in the ditch.
This camera, a Canon Power Shot SX100IS, arrived back at my house two days ago after being repaired at the Canon Service Center in Elk Grove, Illinois. The lens wouldn't open and extend after I had dropped the camera in the grass a couple weeks ago. Last week, I boxed the camera up and put a note inside saying that I had dropped it and would pay for repairs, if payment was required due to the problem stemming from my own clumsiness and stupidity. Well, guess what, they repaired it for free! This is the second time I've sent a camera in to the Canon Service Center, and I'm impressed with their prompt and considerate service. I, of course, followed all the directions, sending a copy of my sales receipt along, too. I'm only mentioning this so you won't hesitate to send your Canon camera there if it needs repaired.
Have a great Saturday........I'm off for some fun........a long drive to meet my daughter to give her a bunch of sweet corn! And, I hope to find photo ops along the way!!
I've never seen wild turkeys before. And what a cool coincidence.
I'm glad you got your camera fixed.
cool that they fixed your baby for free! love the turkeys!
have a safe fun trip and hopefully loads of photo ops!
Hey...I'm IMPRESSED that you carry your camera to the mailbox with you :) JK Where we live it is nt uncommon to see turkeys...just so happens we only see them when it's not hunting season!
Hi, Ruth, Laura, mmris!
Thanks for commenting! I just got day!
And, actually, because I was in a hurry this morning, I had DRIVEN to the mailbox.....after seeing the turkeys, I raced back to the house to get the camera!
We have lots of turkeys around and they sometimes parade across the front of the house, though not for long if the dogs get wind of them. I don't know how the babies fared this year, given the extreme wetness. They are amazingly dumb and often drown in little water. We'll know more in the fall I suspect. have a great labor day!
What a fine capture, Jeannelle! Do you keep your photo around your neck like a necklace . . . or around your wrist like a . . .
Hi, Sherry!
That's interesting......that turkeys are dumb.....I didn't know that. And, how cool that you see them right in your yard.....or maybe its not good, I don't know. Thanks for stopping in!
Country Girl,
I had to go back to the house for the camera.....the turkeys cooperated by staying put until I returned. It was lucky.
Thanks for stopping by!
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