Monday, October 27, 2008

MyWorld - Wapsipinicon River

Hey, kids......guess what.......its time for MyWorldTuesday, where bloggers showcase sights from their own local worlds! This weekly event is brought to you by the talented SkyWatch team of Tom, Sandy, IMAC, Klaus, Ivar, Wren, and Fishing Guy.


About five miles from our northeast Iowa farm flows the Wapsipinicon River.......known by locals as simply "The Wapsi" (whop-see). The Wikipedia link in the previous sentence shows a map of the Wapsi's course and offers the following information about the origin of the river's unusual name:

"The name of the river in the Ojibwe language is Waabizipinikaan-ziibi ("river abundant in swan-potatoes"), on account of the large quantity of arrowheads or wild artichokes, known as "swan-potatoes" (waabizipiniin, singular waabizipin), once found near its banks." That meshes quite well with another source I once found which said that Wapsipinicon means "white potato water". When I was a kid, the story was going around that the name came from the romantic legend of two star-crossed lovers from warring native tribes who lost their lives in the river. I did once write that into a story for an English assignment back in high school.
At any rate........let's take a look at the Wapsi. These photos were taken two days ago, Sunday afternoon, around 2 p.m.
This bridge over the Wapsi is on a lonely gravel road northeast of Dunkerton, Iowa.

The next scene is looking south from the bridge........the sun cooperated for a few minutes, peeking bashfully through the gray clouds. If you would climb up the riverbank on the left (east), you would reach some farmfields where people have found many Native American arrowheads and other artifacts over the years. I had a friend back in grade school whose father had a display case full of arrowheads he had found in this area.

The next photo looks north from the bridge, towards a railroad bridge in the distance. Looks like someone's had some fun with an ATV on the sandbar! In the foreground are autumn leaves floating on the water.

Here's looking at you, X!

Leaves on the I typed that phrase the song Smoke on the Water came to mind. Yes, my mind wanders too easily!

More of the bridge structure:
Well, we can't stay here all, around the bend in the road we'll go. Good-bye, Wapsi River!!

Here's another interesting tidbit from the Wapsipinicon Wikipedia page:

"It (the river) defines the western boundary of the Driftless Area. While the Wapsi has a soft, recent catchment, the Driftless, to the east and north, tumbles down to the Mississippi in rugged canyons."
Thanks for stopping by and be sure to travel to other MyWorldTuesday sites!! Its a great, inexpensive way to see the world!


Louise said...

Nice bridge. I was thinking how cool it was in photos until I got to the view FROM it! Spectacular!

Guy D said...

Great pics as always. Iowa sure reminds me of our province up here in Saskatchewan. Thanks for sharing!


Regina In Pictures

Anonymous said...

It looks like a very peaceful place to go for a walk, ride your bike along the banks of the river, or take pictures as you walk on by.

Thanks for sharing. Will tune in next weeks for more.

imac said...

Love the photos from your part of the world.

Rose said...

What a wonderful post...loved all the pictures. I would love to fish that river...and I normally don't desire to fish rivers....I am more into creeks and strip pits.

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog...the Blushing Golden apples are totally different than Golden Delicious. We had a lot of the golden delicious...they are a good all around apple.

Dr.John said...

I really enjoyed the tour. Thank you for the pictures and the information.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Rose: What a great little bridge over a river with a harder name them the one I posted. I tried to say it several times and see why they shortened it to Wapsi. I love your little river and bridge. I'm sure you have enjoyed it through the years.

ChrissyM said...

Lovely post and pictures! We have a foot bridge similar to this bridge in my part of the world I'll have to write a note to take photos of it, hopefully this weekend will be nice.

Egghead said...

Jeannelle this is a fun way to see things around the country. Very pretty pictures and so interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Country Girl said...

Well, thanks for sharing the view, Jeannelle!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Thanks for a tour of your view of the Wapsi River!

Anonymous said...

River, bridge, forest: beautiful your World.

Russell said...

One of my favorite Iowa rivers...!

I like going to Hazelton to see (1) the Amish and their stores and (2) the state park where they have the animals recovering from injuries before they are released. Well, they do have a black bear that lives there all the time but most of the animals are only there for a short while.

The Wapsi River got pretty wild and ripped out part of the bridge and dam at Fontana State Park - and seeing that makes you realize even a tame river can get pretty wild at times. Nature is most interesting.

Take care and I enjoyed this post very much!

Unknown said...

Great post and love that old bridge

Laura ~Peach~ said...

very cool! Someday I may be able to add to this meme but lately times too tight !
Love the photos of course and the history!

Jeannelle said...

louise, migs, ewok, imac, (sounds like a group of aliens), rose, oregontribal, dr.john, fishing guy, chrissym, egghead, country girl, eg tourguide, luiz, russell, brit gal, laura:

Thank you all so much for stopping by! I just loved being there by the Wapsi on Sunday! It was so peaceful and beautiful, and the woods provided shelter from the wind. This placid little river flooded badly last spring, spreading itself sometimes a half mile on either side, and of course the flooding worsened further downstream. Thanks again for your kind comments.....enjoy Your World!!

Arija said...

You took us along so painlessly it was almost like being there. Thanks for showing us around.

Anonymous said...

Many, many years ago I was an exchange student in Dubuque...your pictures bring back dear memories (I was there last 4 years ago).
Happy Tuesday!

Oman said...

Thank you for the wonderful tour. This 2nd week of meme really makes us appreciate the many places that we don't usually see or ever had a chance to visit like the one you showed me in this post. Hope you get to have time to check my world too. Another great job and more to come in the coming weeks.

SaraG said...

Great post and wonderful photo's.
Thanks for sharing your part of the world with us!!
Take care

Jeannelle said...

arija, mar, lawstude, sara g,

Thank you so much for stopping in! "mar", that's neat you lived in Dubuque for awhile, its an interesting old river town.

Anonymous said...

It must be great hiking the area! Wonderful pictures - and who wouldn't love the views from the bridge!
Cheers, Klaus

Jeannelle said...


Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comments!