Thursday, January 29, 2009

Frosty Complaints

Yesterday's morning was freezingly frosty, with a fog that lingered a few hours past sunrise.
Here's an ash tree which continues to hold onto its seed pods long into winter:
Usually, if there's fog around, the temperatures aren't too terribly cold, but that sure didn't hold true yesterday. The dampness in the air must have accentuated the coldness. didn't take long for my ungloved fingers to start smarting while gripping the camera.
This was how the sun looked during morning calf-feeding chores:

Frosty branches criss-cross in chaotic fashion:

Who...who...whoooo is enjoying winter??
Not me, at this point.

My nose is still to the grindstone of doing farm bookwork. Its no big deal; every year the last week or so of January is devoted to preparing for tax time. Adding to the fun right now.....its my turn to host the head cold that's been roaming around our household. And, there's throbbing cracks next to each of my thumbnails. we adore thee.
Don't you hate it when people who truly have nothing to complain about start grumping and I'm doing right now.
Have a great day!
[P.S. - I operate inside the delusion that others might want to know this.......for the first time in my life, I have a "cold in my eyes". It must be that. I look atrocious, my eyes are puffy and swelled, appearing as slits this morning. The vision is fine, but its difficult to keep my eyes open to focus on anything in the distance. Peering at repairs and supplies receipts on a table in front of me should be possible, though.......thank would be a crying shame to bail out of that task.]


Russell said...

Yes, yesterday (Wed) morning was very pretty with all the frost clinging to everything. There is beauty in cold weather - but it is hard to enjoy sometimes!

Take care.

Pat - Arkansas said...

Ooooh, I'm so sorry you've got a bad cold. It's bad enough to have to snort and blow, but when your eyes get involved that's terrible. Hope they clear up soon.

"Don't you hate it when people who truly have nothing to complain about start grumping and grouching."

Yeppers! I do... so I'm going to STOP my grouching about being cold and COUNT MY BLESSINGS! Central Arkansas escaped the bad ice storm that affected parts of the state. I have electricity; I have heat; I have warm sweaters and blankets; I have food and coffee; the roads are dry. Thank you, Lord.

Pat - Arkansas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Laura ~Peach~ said...

beautiful and I am ever so thankful there is NONE of it here!
HUGs Laura
Ps Hope you feel better FAST!

DesertHen said...

Beautiful photos..such a wintery morning you had!!

Feel better soon and take care of yourself. (((HUGS))) to you my friend.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

The photos are quite lovely, so I appreciate the discomfort you went through to get them.

I hope your cold heals quickly.

Jeannelle said...


Grin and bear the cold! The motto right now in may places across the country.



Am very happy to hear your area was missed by the ice storm. I saw some of the damage on the news this morning.....awful, and very widespread.


Laura, Deserthen, Ruth,

Thank you all for your thoughtful words. About mid-afternoon my eyes started feeling more normal. I didn't go to the basketball game tonight, though.....nose running too much.