Monday, January 19, 2009

M.L.King, Jr. Day - Observed

This quote hangs on the wall here in my house. I think sometimes when we plunge ahead, doing things we may not understand at the time......that is FAITH taking over and striding on ahead, tired of waiting for us. Have you ever blurted out words and you have no idea where they came from, and you think, "Why did I say that???"....... but they end up being right on target. Same sort of thing. I wonder if Dr. Martin Luther King long-premeditated that famous declaration of his......"I HAVE A DREAM".......maybe he did, or maybe he didn't, I don't know.


Go honor of this day.......take that first step.......



Gail said...

My sister, Beverly, calls them my God voices. She also tell me I need to listen to them more.

Anonymous said...

I think that quote is great! How is it that I have never heard it before?

May I use it on my blog (the picture too?)?

Have a good day,
~Mad(elyn) in Alabama

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gail,

I like that thought...."God voices". Thanks for mentioning that.


Hi, Mad,

Yes, by all means....use the picture and the quote. It is a good one.

DesertHen said...

I love that quote and have used it often...applied to my own life and advice for others as well.

And I have heard those voices called "God Breezes" and we should listen to them when they speak to us.

Now I must go take that first step in completing an assignment for work.......

Have a great day....=)

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

I've never heard this quote. I really love it.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Deserthen,

I sure like that idea of "God Breezes"! Thank you for mentioning it.


Hi, Ruth,

Actually, its been only in the last year or two that I became aware of this quote.