This is a long-shot request........but here goes:
After my father-in-law passed away last year, we ended up with several boxes of old photographs, which we sorted through last winter. Several photos are from Germany, showing relatives of Husband's mother. Plus, there was this snapshot of a church:
The back of the next photo says: "Inside of that church in Germany." Not much to go on there. One other photo is labeled "Hann.", as if that is a place.....possibly Hannover, which could be correct since Ernest was born in Hannover.
I'm posting these photos just in case someone from Germany might recognize this church. These photos are very old, probably from before WWII, so its possible this church building no longer exists. But, it might. Ultimately, a goal would be to locate distant relatives in Germany. My daughter will be in Germany this summer and if we knew the location of this church, she could visit there and possibly find baptismal records, too.
Jeannelle..i'm an advertising professional from India..what exactly is woolgathering? isn't wool collected by shearing sheep? get back..lovely blogs..
Oh, that's sweet about the woolgathering!
Sorry I can't help you with the church.
Sorry I can't help with that church Jeannelle but it looks so quaint. What a great trip your daughter will be adventuring on.
Beautiful church! Its nice to see ones that aren't those modern blocks that we see so much here in the States.
Hope you find it!
Sorry no help on the photos, but I do have a little gift for you at my blog when you get the time!
Good luck searching for the local of the church :) beautiful photos!
Thank you for visiting from so far away, and for asking about "woolgathering". In the dictionary, besides its obvious meaning of gathering wool, the word also means, "absorption in daydreaming; absent-mindedness". Yes, that's often my favorite pastime.
Hi, Country Girl, Egghead, troutay, Sherry, Laura,
Thank you all for stopping by. Oh, I don't hold out much hope of finding out this church's location, but you never know.
I just did a Google search of churches in Hannover, and in the first link I clicked on, the contact person in Hannover had the same last name as me! So I sent her a picture of the church for the heck of it.
Those pictures are so neat. I love lookin' at old pictures. I don't even need to know any one or where they are taken at to enjoy them. You'll have to let us know what you hear from the lady you contacted.
Hi, rebel,
Old photos are great fun. Yes, I will mention on the blog if the mystery of this church's location gets solved.
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