Saturday, February 21, 2009

Midnight by Farmlight


I was still up at midnight last night, waiting and watching through the falling snow for my son to get home.

Well, I didn't have my eyes on the snow ALL the time. With last's Tuesday's advent of digital TV, we now receive a new channel......called "This TV". THIS particular movie,
The Fugitive Kind, starring a young Marlon Brando and Joanne Woodward, was on air for viewers' enjoyment or distaste.

Frankly, I enjoyed it, but what do I know, of course. I could identify well with Maureen Stapleton's character.......when she spoke of what painting meant to her......for me its blogging, of course. The film's story had some profoundly good lines and moments, in my opinion, though grogginess overtook my mind after my son's safe arrival home, meaning I did not see the film's end, which I sensed would not be a happy one, anyway. Turning the TV off and making my way to bed seemed like the better plan at the time, though I somewhat regret that decision this morning.
An attempt to capture the falling snowflakes:
Another blogger's recent post about a rock in a road has jogged loose the memory of a similar incident from my own past. This morning I searched photo albums to help recreate the scene in Colorado, though it remains remarkably clear in my mind after all these many years. The event was fraught with meaning, if only I can figure out what that is for obstacle on the road of life, perhaps. I'll be hunkering down for awhile to work on writing that story for a blogpost. We'll see how long it takes.
Wishing you a restful weekend.


Trish said...

Oh Jeannelle...snow? Shorts weather here...or at least everyone on the west coast puts on shorts as soon as the son pokes its head out. Only a few banks of snow....gorgeous out. Hey, have a restful weekend too.

DesertHen said...

You sure have had lots of snow this winter!! We were supposed to have storms last week, but they split and went to the south and north of us, so we didn't get any rain or snow. We could sure use some rain!! It is still cold here...but today we are supposed to be near 50 for a high...that will be nice. =) Woke up with a sore throat this morning, so I fear I'm coming down with a cold!! I have been around so many sick people lately...I guess me getting sick was bound to happen. =(

Have a lovely, peaceful weekend.

Gail said...

I'm glad it is your snow and not mine!

Jeannelle said...


Yeah, no kidding.....more snow here. Glad to hear the weather is nice where you are, though. But, shorts?? Pah-leez. I don't wear those legs look like road maps and require capris to be presentable in warm weather.



Your comment is a mix of good and bad. Glad to hear the snow missed you, but I hope the needed rain will come your way. The sore throat sounds like no fun; may your cold be gone quickly. Enjoy the warmer temps outdoors, but don't forget to dress warm enough.



Thanks for your thought. Snow is just not a very popular item right now....everyone is anxious for spring.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

i love seeing the snow on your blog :) makes me not miss it at all... and I do love seeing it when it first falls and is all clean and perfect... nice day here... cool but not too cold, it is supposed to be very cold again tonight... that remionds me must go cover my lilys that are coming up!
HUGS laura

Country Girl said...

I can only imagine you now, hunkering down and writing that post!
I am breaking down and having a glass of wine. I don't think I've had one in a month, so this is a treat.Yay!
I'm glad you are still excited to be taking photos of snowflakes. !!

rhymeswithplague said...

It's funny you would call this post "Midnight by Farmlight"...that's what I kept calling your blog for the first few weeks I came here. Finally it penetrated my mind that it was mid-life, not midnight!