Greetings from me, Mookie the Cat! I’m so glad you stopped by; maybe you can be of assistance to me……I need to find a job to pay for my cat food. That’s why I’m purr-oosing the columns of this dairy newspaper. Dairy farms need cats to keep the mouse population under control, so I’m looking for “Cat Wanted” ads.
Hmm……I seem to be having trouble finding those two words together…..”Cat” and “Wanted”. Here’s “Free Cat to Good Home” and “Cat Give-Away” and “Kitties For Sale” (good luck with that)……but no “Cat Wanted”. I just don’t understand it.
Well, to keep this newspaper-reading session from being a total waste, I’ll share some of the headlines with you, in case you’re not up-to-date on dairy issues. They will be fairly random and disconnected, so hold onto your cat…, hat:
“MILK PRICES (paid to farmers) DOWN 50% FROM LAST YEAR”
Yeah, even I, Mookie, know that many of you blog readers are also feeling pressure in this current financial crisis. You may be in danger of being laid off from your job or losing it altogether, or having your wages or salaries cut, or losing your retirement savings. I feel for you, truly I do, but you must understand that my main worry is cat food. On that note, I will return to my search for “Cat Wanted” ads. Hang in there. Thanks for stopping by.
By the way, Jeannelle wants me to tell you something. She can't tell you herself because she's engrossed in reading a new has trees on the cover.......I guess Jeannelle likes trees. Anyhow, she wants me tell you that she finally saw robins yesterday.......on the way to church, there were robins flying around all over the place. Hmm.......yum.......robins. Hey, they would make good cat food, wouldn't they?! I'd better skedaddle to the out-of-doors and start hunting.
[Jeannelle also asked me to link to this editorial she saw in yesterday's Waterloo Courier. Jeannelle worries somewhat that she and her husband have erred in encouraging each of their four children to go to college. For one thing, college is terribly expensive and without stupendous scholarships, kids leave there burdened with debt. Plus, not everyone can be an engineer or accountant or teacher or doctor or have a desk job of some sort. Someone's got to stay behind and man the trenches, taking care of things at the very basic of levels.....repairing vehicles, building and maintaining infrastructure, growing food, tending to sick and aged people, being stay-at-home mothers when children are small, etc., etc. Jeannelle knows that many of you might not agree with her and that's OK. Perhaps a shakedown has begun and things will balance themselves out eventually, but it may be a painful process and we may have to change our views in some areas.
It was in a different era, of course, but back when Jeannelle was growing up her parents discouraged college......and, so did her high school guidance counselor. When Jeannelle (of straight A's and an ACT of 29) told him she wanted to go to college to study history, he told her that was "pointless". Apparently, he could see into her future better than she could. Yeah, right, whatever. She never possessed "uumph" and assertiveness, that's all. As of this moment, I, Mookie the Cat, am of the opinion that Jeannelle should rebury her nose in that tree book, as I have robins to pursue. Have a good day!]
Hi, Poetikat,
Hey, Mookie here.....I slipped in the house when Jeannelle opened the door.....Yeah I agree with you about the New Zealand headline. I was afraid to read the article, for fear it was reporting the synchronized belching, or cat-kicking, or worse, of those 4 million cows. I would rather remain ignorant on some subjects, especially that other stuff Jeannelle was trying to say. I don't understand any of that.....what's an ACT, anyway....shouldn't it be CAT?
Have a great St. Patrick's Day Eve!!
Goodness, Mookie! She got a 29? That's a great score! I'm jealous...
I'm happy about the Dominos cheese increase, however.
Mookie, great post! On your behalf, I have already started a rumor in these parts that you are permanently replacing Jeannelle because she is the Iowa dairy farmer who has become a Lutheran pastor. She gave herself away when she said she saw robins yesterday ON HER WAY TO CHURCH. A mind is a terrible thing to waste, Mookie, and Jeannelle must have decided that blogging just isn't fulfilling enough so she has entered full-time Lutheran ministry there in the upper midwest or wherever you are.
Readlyn needs another Lutheran church, anyhow.
HI mookie great post... Have you heard any rumors about an Iowa city meeting in a couple weeks?
Great post Mookie. The manure digester headline is kind of interesting. I read the editorial and it is very thought provoking.
I am in the same boat Jeanelle
Two kids in college. But I believe that getting out, studying things about the world, gives us a broader
outlook on our lives and the world around us.
And, someone with a college degree, or post secondary education stands a better chance of getting that "job" than someone with no extras.
Hi, caution,
Glad to meet you. Hope you like critters like me. I don't know anything about that score....I think it means Jeannelle wishes she was still 29.
Oh, yeah....cheese....yum, yum! Us Iowa cats enjoy cheese!
Oh, rhymsie, I don't know you very well at all, of course, as we've not met before....but, you are quite sharp to connect that headline with Jeannelle. Only problem is her Lutheran synod does not allow ordination of women, so she would have to join that "other" Lutheran synod....the more liberal one, that, I believe Dr. John belongs to. That's what I've heard, but don't quote me as I'm only a cat.
Hi, Laura,
I do believe I heard Jeannelle phoning her mom about that this morning. She will be in touch with you soon. I wish I could go along.
Hi, Egghead,
I have no idea what sort of critter could digest manure. Thanks for stopping by....I hope you like cats, too.
Hi, troutay,
Jeannelle gets depressed, not only about the college loan debts, but because college kids rarely return to live in their rural roots. The brightest and best leave and live in cities where the jobs are. Soon there will be no one left out here....'cept us cats!
Kreative Kitty!
Good post Mookie, I think you might have just found your new job!! 4 million cows in NZ - must be more cows than people, now the NZ sheep population will feel threatened. I'd like to know more about the new design of milk jugs Mookie.Tell us more in your next post.
Ms Soup
Thanks for the link to the editorial.
I'm sure you're aware of the stats about what a college grad can earn vs. a high school grad. Why, here's something from the University of Iowa about that very thing! (
Nobody knows what the future holds, but I think it would be a mistake to be pessimistic. All the jobs you named should be valued more than they are by "the market".
Mookie, I really need to know more about that manure digester thing and the Lutheran Pastor...
Mookie, I wish you would convince my dog Smokey to look for a job. He eats very expensive dog food!
Please tell Jeanelle that the robins have come back here too. I saw the first one about three days ago, and today I saw a goldfinch. Spring is definitely coming.
You say Jeannelle got straight A's and had an ACT of 29? We might have guessed it by how well she writes (did she teach you?). But it sounds like her guidance councilor was a real jerk.
Hi, Gail,
Kan you spell Kat? Thanks for stopping by!
Hi, alphabet soup,
I don't real well, but I thing the article about the new milk jug style said that the bottles are sort of flat and have no handles. Supposedly, they will be cheaper to transport. And, they will be at Walmart and Costco, I believe. I won't ever see one because Jeannelle doesn't buy milk at the store.
Hi, Sempringham,
How would I know the stats about college grad vs high school grad jobs?? I'M A CAT!
I will pass that link on to Jeannelle....pessimistically, by the way.
I just want the future to hold cat food!
Hi, Reamus,
I'd like to know more about that manure digester critter, too. What could it possibly look like? Yikes.
Pastors are not something I know much about, either. Sorry.
Hi, Ruth,
Goldfinches! Yum, yum! Send some my way!
Well....just start buying generic dog food for Smokey and maybe he'll get the hint that he needs to find a source of income so he can return to the gourmet eating habits.
Hi, again, Sempringham,
Nah...Jeannelle didn't teach me. I'm a natural. As stated somewhere above, I have no clue what an ACT is simply CAT, mispelled, I think. Speaking of mispelling.....what is a councilor? Heehee.
In my high school, our guidance counselors sat on a council, and thus were known to us as councilors. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Oh, Sempringham....please accept my apology. My vocabulary is not very large, really....I'd never seen the word "councilor" before. Just now I pawed my way through the dictionary pages and found it. Shame, shame on me....
Mookie, what a clever post you put together! Thanks for all of the informative dairy updates. Tell Jeannelle to please send some of those robins this way. I have heard a meadowlark in the past week, but have not seen a robin yet. And Mookie, please leave the robins alone!
Hey, Deserthen,
Jeannelle saw your comment and wonders if you might be willing to swap a meadowlark for a robin. She's impatient to hear a meadowlark sing. I would simply like to eat one....but, whatever....
Mookie is very wise... and so is Jeannelle. Sorry... no cat wanted here in Roanoke either since our dog chases them up trees. Sorry Mookie. :-((
The Blue Ridge Gal
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