Thursday, April 30, 2009

Acedia & A Belgian Video

Lately, I've been reading books by Kathleen Norris.....first The Cloister Walk and now Dakota. I feel at home in these books and find the author's insights to be refreshing and original. Right now I'm searching for Norris' book, Acedia and Me, and am about to call the library to see if its available through the interlibrary loan system. Acedia is an ancient word---rarely used nowadays---roughly meaning, "spiritual listlessness/apathy". A bi-polar blogger has written a four-part review of the can be found here, here, here and here. I'm sorry.....the subject interests me, that's all.

A Google search of "kathleen norris acedia" led me to another excellent post by a writer/blogger who heard Kathleen Norris speak at a workshop. Go here to read the post. There's a humorous description of midlife hidden in the post; watch for it! Also intriguing is "The Commonplace Book" idea. I have lots of similar notebooks filed away in desk drawers, but have never heard the term, "commonplace", before. If you have time, read the comments to the post; the one from "Jane" is right on target for me; I need to start "demolishing" piles of clutter in my own living quarters!

A more recent post on the above blog featured this video filmed in the train station in Antwerp, Belgium:

(Perhaps reader Regis was there!)



Sempringham said...

An interesting juxtaposition, that. Acedia and The Sound of Music. Ha!

A lot of my interest in American history takes me to the early 19th century, when commonplace books were ... common. But I had never thought of applying the term to anything I did. It sort of adds a little dignity to those notebooks filed away in desk drawers, doesn't it? They are part of a literary tradition!

Gigi Ann said...

I have never read any of her books, so can't say much one way or the other.

Deb said...

First of all, I love your new look. It is simply yet has perfect strokes.
I have not read any of her books but I am off today to the book store to use my gift card. I'll be checking her out.

Flea said...

Oh my. I LOVE the video. What a wonderful way to bring smiles. :)

Regis said...

Hi Jeannelle
Good show, but unfortunately I wasn't there. Really a pity !

Jeannelle said...

The lethargy of acedia and the energy of the video can balance each other out somehow.

Certainly, yes, that clutter of notebooks needs all the dignity it can get.


Hi, Gramma Ann,

Thanks for swinging by. Have a good day. The weather is muggy here in my part of Iowa.


Hi, Deb,

Thank you for the kind words about the blog changes. Enjoy your trip to the bookstore!


Hi, Flea,

What fun to be in a crowd which spontaneously began dancing to a familiar tune like this. This video was rehearsed, though, of course.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Regis!

I'm thrilled you left a comment! Thank you!

Ann Kroeker said...

Love reading this post (and appreciate the linkage)! I'm delighted that Kathleen Norris and The Sound of Music brought us together for a moment here on the Internet.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Ann,

Thank you for stopping in and for writing the excellent blogpost about Kathleen Norris.

DesertHen said...

I was lucky enough to view this video a week or so is so uplifting and fun.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Deserthen,

Thanks for stopping by! I hope springtime weather has come to stay in your area!