Sunday, April 19, 2009

Green Conqueror

17th002 (5)

The conqueror marches in….

Silent clamor of green overtakes brown….

God’s magic wand of sunshine and warmth….

Bursts shuttered buds, startles cold seeds….

Urgent awakening with loving intent….

Renews a dormant world….

Spring has come!



Deb said...

Lovely photo, even lovelier poem

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Wonderful. Thank you.

DesertHen said...


Happy Sunday...=)

Laura ~Peach~ said...

blink twice and the trees are filled with leaves, flowers are blooming and the grass needs cut :) happy sunday hope F&B are behaving themselves!

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice to know you are getting spring as well. Today is a sunny warm Sunday. Hope your busy weekend is enjoyable. Dairymary

Pat - Arkansas said...

I'm glad you're finally getting some real Spring, Jeannelle.

Lovely poem!

Gail said...

The words and the photo sang spring so wonderfully.

Caution/Lisa said...

Oh, YES! Hail, hail, springtime!

Gigi Ann said...

I love it, so much said, in so few words...