Sunday, June 28, 2009

Catch-A-Bug Jar

27th 058

Its a Sunday, not always my favorite day of the week, sad to say. Sunday mornings are ALWAYS hectic. Sometimes I loathe the rush to get barn chores done in time to hurriedly clean up, struggle with obstinate hair, and search my pathetic wardrobe for something to wear. Then the mad dash to church---a trip of only a few miles, thankfully. Sit…..stand…..sing……speak in unison......listen……for an hour. (Singing is my favorite.) Yack with fellow churchgoers for a few minutes, then race home again so Husband can feed and tend to the cows who forever need tending to, and Ma (me) can cook dinner. (Around here, the noon meal is known as “dinner”.) Then its time for us humans to eat, followed by clean-up of the kitchen.

FINALLY, then……the best moment of the day: collapse in a comfortable place to read a book or take a nap…..or blog. Today, that place is on an old couch next to a wide-open north window through which the most amazingly refreshing breeze is blowing. Mugginess has fled, as the weather has taken a sudden---and, VERY welcome---turn for the better. Early this morning, the house was still full of heavy, humid air left over from last night, but now that is only a memory. Hooray!

27th 057 (2)

The red “catch-a-bug” jar in the photos was a Christmas gift from my son and daughter-in-law. It was purchased at a shop in Galena, Illinois, and is a clever garden ornament and the perfect gift for a canning jar collector.

Try to ignore the messy, weedy aspects of the flower garden. I need to pull that pesky sorrel which keeps creeping into every empty spot in our landscaping. The sundial is guarded by a stack of three caramel-colored chert stones we found out in the field. They weren’t found together, but their colors matched, so we put them together for display. The bottom stone is large and very heavy, of course, requiring my husband’s assistance to put it in place.

I enjoy making stacks of stones; there’s something centering in the challenge of fitting rocks together so they balance just right and yet look interesting. The stacks add a bit of intrigue and mystery to the garden, I think, and are good conversation pieces. Sometimes I walk out to the rock piles in the fields and build random stacks here and there, just for the therapy of it.

My husband went a bit berserk landscaping our yard a few years ago after we built a new room onto the house. He put in many retaining walls and little terraces and stairways. I know I shouldn’t be complaining, but it requires alot of work to keep it all weed-free and looking nice. Before that we had NO landscaping, and, truthfully, I was very happy with that situation. Now, there are so many little flower bed areas to worry about---not to mention the huge lawn that has always been there anyway.

Mowing the lawn used to be my main groundskeeping responsibility, and it still is, for the grass certainly hasn’t gone away, but now there’s all these extra flower bed thingees that need care, too. Ack. Admittedly, many of you might be envious, and that’s fine, but to me its mostly a big hassle. My dear, hard-working husband was so proud of himself for designing and doing all that landscaping, while I was hovering in the background, trying to keep my frowns hidden. “Yes, honey, its beautiful… are so very kind to do this.” Cough, cough. I enjoy just letting things grow, and am appreciative of perennials that don’t require much care. Obviously, I’m guilty of laziness in the groundskeeping department. Good thing we live way out in the country where hardly anyone ever sees our yard.


I hope the weather is taking a turn for the better in your area, too, on this last Sunday of June. Can you believe it…..the 4th of July and midsummer are almost here! The summer season goes way too fast, that’s for sure.



Mary Humphrey said...

Not trying to be sweet about this, your garden looks darn good to me! I am the queen of laziness when it comes to weeding. Perhaps it isn't on the top of my list, lazy was a bad description, right? I love the bee jar! I believe you are sending the cooler temps this way. Glad of it. It sure has been hard on some of the younger kids this week. Have a beautiful Sunday evening!

Gigi Ann said...

Oh, Jeannelle, I too am enjoying this weather. I opened all windows and what a nice feeling to have some fresh air in the apartment. No A/C today, I'm lovin' it...I don't even try for flower gardens anymore. I tried wild flowers, but all that came up were Queen Annes lace, and it shows up every year. LOL...It sure is hardy.

Have a nice cool evening of relaxing, I know I will.

Anonymous said...

I am soooo with you on the weeding deal. I tell Hubby all the time that I want to retire somewhere with NO YARD WORK at all. When your back and knees hurt it's almost impossible to do that kind of maintenance. Week-ends were not made for work but rather FUN. Doubt he will ever listen but at least he knows how I feel about it.

The bug jar is great! SO happy to look at.

The Blue Ridge Gal

Anonymous said...

P.S... Humid here during the day but our nights this week are in the 60's and so we throw open the windows to sleep.. it's WUN-DER-FUL


Linda said...

Your bee jar is the cutest thing ever.

I used to start out good in the spring by cleaning flower beds and planting new plants but as soon as hot weather came I headed to the house and everything fizzled.

I'm retired now and living in Oregon away from the Texas heat. It was 45 degrees this morning with a high of 76 degrees, and I have to gardening duties. Everything is beautifully landscaped and taken care of by someone else.

Leenie said...

Okay, I'm with you on rocks, weeds and humoring hubby. Also with you on the "day of rest."

But you didn't explain enough about the bug jar. Is it only for decoration--if so it is super--or does it have another use? ...Such as a trap for annoying insects or a clever place to view lightning bugs?

DesertHen said...

What a darling bug jar! I don't think I have ever seen a canning jar that color before.

At least you have a yard to watch the weeds grow in....=) I still have no lawn, flowerbeds, etc. I love my little patio though, so I will just have to be content with that and a few flower pots for now.

The weather has been nice the last few day with temps climbing into the 90's. The hay that was down is all up and in the stack. Normally there would be about 28 days between cuttings, but second cutting will start in about two weeks. Very weird hay season so far!

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and I hope you get to relax a little.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Mary,

Glad to hear you are getting cooler weather, too. Its definitely time for a break from what we were having.

I like your notion that "lazy" is not the right word for it. Weeding is simply not a high priority with us.


Hi, Gramma Ann,

Oh, glad to hear you have the windows open. Nothing better than a refreshing breeze blowing in. Hopefully, this weather will last awhile.


Hi, Blue Ridge Gal,

Glad to hear of your cool night temperatures, too. That helps so much when one can sleep comfortably. I know a/c is nice, but there's nothing like that open window.


Hi, Linda,

Wow....your nights are REALLY cool right now. I'm wondering if that is normal for your're in Oregon, is that right? 70's in the daytime sounds nice...enjoy!! And, enjoy that someone else does the weeding.....sounds like a plan!


Hi, Leenie,

Good question about the jar, and I don't really know if it has an intended purpose. I'm using it simply as a decoration. I don't want to have to clean bugs out of it. But, it might be fun to put lightning bugs in it and watch them glow red!


Hi, Deserthen, someone comes along to make me feel guilty about my attitude toward my lush green yard! I would gladly give you some of it if I could! Enjoy your potted plants and flowers!

I'm so glad to hear the first hay crop is now all in and didn't have to be thrown out. Best wishes for good weather for second crop!

And about the jar's is a clear jar that is somehow coated in red.

Gail said...

I love your garden. I, too, have a fascination with rocks. I have also discovered you have to weed rocks too...that part I don't like. I do love the doing.

Flea said...

It was cooler here today as well, but I slept through it. Left work this morning while it was raining. Beautiful!

LOVE the bug jar!

Kat Mortensen said...

Singing is my favourite part too!


Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gail,

You mean GET RID of ROCKS now and then.....oh, perish the thought!


Hi, Flea,

Glad to hear the coolness has reached your area, too. Ah-h, sleeping sounds great....


Hi, Poetikat,

What part do you sing? I'm alto these days.

Barb said...

Actually, I like wildflowers and perennials just because they require so little "tending" and look good growing wild. Since we live in the Mts and don't have any grass - our whole front yard is wildflowers. All I do is sow the seed - pretty easy. I love the bug jar. It has personality. Your rock cairn is beautiful and perfectly balanced.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Barb,

Your yard sounds beautiful! Thanks for mentioning that word "cairn"....I knew I had heard it before but couldn't remember what it meant.

Country Girl said...

I can't believe it's 4th of July weekend. Unfortunately for us, it's chemo week but maybe he'll feel up to doing something.
Your Sunday sounds so hectic! But there's rewards in there, I see.