Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Barn Swallows


30th 033

“I AM king of the nest mountain, and don’t you dare forget it!”

CHORUS (all together, please):

“Yes, he is…..

Yes, he is…..”

July1st007 (2)

Here’s more proof:

30th 039

Every spring, the swallows return to reuse these same nests, applying new mud daubs as needed.


And, to close this post……a barn still life:

30th 063 (2) *


threecollie said...

Great photos. I really love barn swallows!

Gigi Ann said...

The baby birdies are so cute, and yes he is KING of his mud home. I remember the barn swallows well, from the days of many moons ago.

Leenie said...

I love their big yellow frowns. They look so serious. The still life is fun too. A lot of aging and agricultural patina goes into a work like that. ;-D.

And, yes,I went back to reading. Grinding through a sort of text book to remind myself of stuff I should remember. You know that is why I had the camera available for any possible diversion.

DesertHen said...

Your barn swallow shots are great! They are such fun babies to watch! Our four babies are only coming back to the nest at night now. They all squeeze in with mom and is a sight to see! Everytime I try to capture it with the camera, they fly off and out into the night....then I feel bad for disturbing them. I have a feeling that momma bird will lay more eggs and hatch another brood as she has been spending time in the nest during the days.

alphabet soup said...

Swallows. Nature's renovators.
Interesting still life Janelle. I think you could compose some sort of 'competition' for your readers around a few farm still lifes.
They could guess where on the farm you took the photo. Or you could have a handful of photos and we could vote for our favourites.
I know from your posts that you have PLENTY of spare time....
Ms Soup

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeanelle, those are beautiful nest pictures! We were sitting on the patio yesterday evening watching many swallows flying about, some in flocks. - never have seen that before. And last year, we read that swallows numbers were dwindling, so this was good to see. Until 5 years ago, when we remodelled the barn, we also stored forks and other such things just under the ceiling, in our old stanchion like you do. However, I found it easier to get the fork in, turned the other way around (hint). We are enjoying beautiful sunny weather for our Canada Day, and our sons are cutting and raking grass, to make silage. Dairymary

Jeannelle said...

Hi, threecollie,

These swallow young-un's just crack me up!


Hi, Gramma Ann,

And, isn't their nest construction so amazing....and, very durable.


Hi, Leenie,

You're right, the swallow babies have such a serious look. Like a gang of little bandits.

Why were you reading a textbook? Are you taking a class? Keep your camera close by always!


Hi, Deserthen,

Oh, it is so funny to see all those heads sticking up out of the nest. And the six babies were lined up in a row on the rafter, but I didn't have my camera at that moment and missed catching it.


Hi, Ms Soup,

Good idea you have there. Country Girl Kate used to do a photo guessing game every was great fun!


Hi, Dairymary,

Glad to hear you're having good weather and getting the hay in. I hope all goes well.

We have plenty of swallows on this farm, that's for sure.

I can't reach the ceiling to get ahold of that fork....that's my husband's doing. He has his own way of doing all farmers do.


Midlife Roadtripper said...

Great pictures. We have swallows living in our dock. I'm glad you said they reuse the nests. We will be sure not to disturb it after they move on.

They are such neat nest makers. The house of sparrows is a mess.

shutterhand said...

Wonderful images all! We have them in the barn at the pond in WI every year. They often have three broods throughout the summer. It is fun to watch the "teenagers" from the first brood help the parents feed the young of the next.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Ahhh. so cute.

Hearing or reading the term barn swallow always makes me think of the movie Mr. Hobbes Takes a Vacation. Do you know it?

Girl Tornado said...

I love barn swallows and their cute lil faces when they are sitting in their nests. They have a rather smug look about them - your photos are very similar to a slew that I took last summer when we had a nest on our front porch.

Connie Smiley said...

What treasures, these little birds! I love it that you included a wider angle shot for perspective. The pitchfork provides authenticity.