Sunday, August 9, 2009

Canned Messages

We had a substitute pastor this morning and his sermon was…..well…..too long and rather annoying. Right from the get-go he launched into criticisms of “American society” and how rampant immorality is here and how we all need to turn from our wicked ways. As if immorality has never before existed. And, that word “wicked” just stops everybody in their tracks, doesn’t it. Shuts everybody right up. Not that we the congregation were talking out loud there in church, but you know what I mean, hopefully.

The word “evil” does the same thing. Certain types of people like to use that word…..its like swinging a big club around the room. Everyone gasps and backs off, ducking. Big surprise, Sarah Palin used that word the other day in reference to the health care reform bill. Way to go, Sarah.

Anyway…..sorry for that Palin digression. Back to this morning’s sermon. The pastor waved his arms around at our less-than-half-filled church sanctuary and proclaimed that the emptiness of the pews was due to our “apathy”. He stated that the church used to be filled on Sunday morning. That is correct, of course…..many decades ago, back when each 80 acre plot in the community was tended by a farm family with 6, 8, or 10 children. I thought to myself, “Guy, you are so out of touch.” Apathy or something like it plays a role, of course---people are very caught up in other activities nowadays. Its just the way it is. However, the major factor in declining attendance in rural areas is that there simply are less numbers of people living there to go to church. Was the pastor not aware of that? Had he become so caught up in his sermon that it somehow slipped his mind that he was preaching at a church situated amongst cornfields?

In my annoyance, I spent the rest of the sermon fiddling with my hymnal, reading hymn lyrics while pastor’s voice continued to drone in my ears. I decided I would quickly state my opinion to him as I shook his hand after the service. That’s just me…..I can’t keep my mouth shut sometimes. Smiling at him, I said, “Apathy may be part of it, Pastor, but just remember, there no longer are those big farm families around to fill the church.” He gave me a friendly smile and stated in an agreeing tone, “That’s right”! As I walked away from him, it dawned on me that his sermon rantings were simply a canned message; he probably preaches the same sermon at every church he substitutes at each Sunday. How ignorant could I be, really? And, why bother getting annoyed or upset over a canned message, right?!

It reminded me, too, that so much of what we hear from political leaders and leader wannabes and radio talk show mouths are canned messages. Lots of hot air…..blasted forth in hopes of gaining monetary profit or votes or whatever.



Gail said...

Very well said! All of it!

I was listening to a guy on the angel channel, can't remember his name but he sure has a moral outlook that is refreshing without the hell fire and brimstone. It was called Stinking Thinking and many things he said made me holler AMEN!

Gail said...

I got so fired up, I forgot to tell you about the flowers. They are pretty, of course, but Mom used to say single guys would wear them in their button hole to let young ladies at the dance know they were available. Don't know if that was a local tradition or more wide spread.

Caution/Lisa said...

I've heard the same story Gail related regarding the flowers. I love that story, so I hope it's true!

Our teens gave a concert today. They sang for 45. The youth pastor preached for 15, and the senior pastor spoke for 15. I was so annoyed with Keith's shorts and tennis shoes that it took me a good long while to realize the metal folding chair had numbed me thoroughly.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Wow, if it was a canned message, that's sort of rude. He can't write a new sermon every week just like other pastors?

Anyway, I'm glad you got over being annoyed.

I love the colors of those flowers.

Anonymous said...

I lost my taste for religion and attending church many many years ago due to a crappy preacher. Always so flippin' negative. Who wants to spend their Sunday morning listening to that? NOT ME.

The Blue Ridge Gal

DesertHen said...

Good for you to point out the obvious to the pastor about the decline in large farm families and church attendance. Maybe it will encourage him to not use a "canned" message, but to take a little time to write a new sermon for the church he is substituting for.

It has been muggy here as well...sticky and humid! We also had two days of temps in the 50's and 60's! That was a big shock for the first part of August!

Gearing up for the third cutting of hay and hoping the weather decides to stay nice!

Your flower photos are lovely! =)

Happy Monday to you!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gail,

I've never heard of the "angel channel". "Stinking Thinking" sounds intriguing!

Thanks for bringing me up to speed on the origin of the name "Bachelor Button". I'd not heard that before; its a sweet story and makes perfect sense.


Hi, Caution Flag,

Glad to hear you know the Bachelor Button story, too!

Oh, well....I can't imagine that God really cares that much about how we dress for church services. Its other people who care, I guess. People dress up at our church, for some reason. My husband wears a suit every Sunday to church, as do most of the men...unless its a really hot day. Lots of churches are more casual.


Hi, Ruth,

Thank you for stopping by!

I think realizing it may have been a "canned" sermon took my annoyance away, for some reason.


Hi, Blue Ridge Gal,

Thanks for stopping in!

Yeah, sad to say, many people have experiences similar to yours. In our case, I guess we are very tied to the church we go to, in a community sense. Pastors come and go, but the church community remains.


Hi, Deserthen,

Thank you for stopping by, too! I hope things go well for your next hay crop. Hopefully, the humidity will go away and the temperatures be good for drying hay. One thing for sure with farming, you just never know how things will go. You just hope and pray all will turn out ok, and make lemonade if you have to!