A toad kept me company in the calf building this morning. Winsome he was, despite his warty appearance. Looks aren’t everything, you know.
Lately, we’ve heard the overhead dronings and buzzings of that special species of bug known as cropdusterus.
Gray Kitty headed east with her new family yesterday.
They decided to pamper her good and proper from the get-go. What a cute kitty food dish!
Something NEVER seen before on our farm…….a kitty on a leash! To avoid losing her at a hotel or rest-stop, the new owners fitted Kitty with a tiny harness. I rummaged through our house clutter (ahem) to find a roller-blade shoestring to serve as the leash.
My house is quite…..um, very……cluttered, but I can usually find what is needed. Not always, but usually. Kind of like in that old TV game show, “Let’s Make A Deal”. Remember how at the end of the show Monty Hall would ask the audience for random items and women would frantically search their purses to find it……in order to win a prize.
Have a toad-toppin’ day!
Many people get all creeped out over toads. I think toads have a beauty all their own. Yours is very handsome--wouldn't recommend kissing though. Long ago we had a renegade Siamese cat that ran away every time we let her out of our little apartment. Had to put her in a harness and leash to keep her from chasing dogs. Looks like you found a good home for the kitty.
Hee hee.... we get toads on our front porch after sundown. My daughter while visiting last week ran outside to her van and when she came back in was laughing and said.. "oops I almost stepped on a toad". Forgot to warn her about them before she went out the door. lol
Snappy Finger
Farm Wife,
A most excellent, and dare I say, winsome post!
Little kitty...safe travels...little toad - stay away!
Since you are short one kitty, I shall send you three!
Bye grey kitty! Enjoy your new home!
That toad is quite a handsome guy. You were lucky to have such good company.
Hi, Poetikat,
Thanks for stopping by! I will try to swing by and read about the goofy cat owners.
Hi, Leenie,
Haha....the renegade Siamese sounds interesting! She actually chased dogs?! What a gal!
Hi, Snappy Finger,
Sounds like you see toads quite often. I rarely see one, so this was a treat.
Hi, Reamus,
Thanks for visiting and for your kind words!
Hi, Deb,
Sounds like you are not fond of toads. They aren't the purtiest critters in the world, that's for sure.
Hi, Gail,
NO NO NO! We have way too many cats even after sending one packing! If you send me three, I will send you six!
Hi, Trisha,
Sounds like you are a toad-lover. Good for you! They deserve someone who cares, too. Thanks for stopping by!
I was always puzzled by that show. Never could figure out how those women just happened to have all those strange things in their purses. I might have been an adult before I understood.
We had friends who visited us and often brought their kitty. On a leash, so they wouldn't lose her. But she was a travelin' cat and kept close to her owners.
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