Saturday, September 12, 2009

Elderberries, GREEN, and Goldenrod

9th 025 (3)

Its edited to be almost cartoonish, but this photo simply shows elderberries and a few sprigs of goldenrod. Both plants are prevalent along the highways and byways in our area right now.

As Saturdays go, its been a quiet one around here. Warm, a bit on the muggy side, and just plain calm all around. What more could one ask for?



Gail said...

Elderberries make great wine and jelly! Granny said Golden Rod would lighten your hair, I have never tried that.

Anonymous said...

Lots of goldenrod here in Virginia too. Cheap but purdy though in fact I photographed a bit of it today.


Mary said...

I am on my mobile, but have a good screen. The edited photo almost looks like a painting. I like it.

Country Girl said...

What more could you ask for! Maybe a little elderberry wine . . .

Caution/Lisa said...

Tell me where you got your Saturday. I'm ordering one just like it for this week.

Trisha said...

Your edited photo is even more impressive to me since I have no clue how do do anything like that!