Thursday, September 10, 2009

Find the Butterflies

9th 009

The Asters are still a-bloomin’ in the road ditch---just a couple small patches on the south side, but that’s sufficient, and the butterflies seem to think so, too.  Can you find them in the pictures here?  There are two in the photo above, so look closely.

9th 003 (2)

These wild Aster blossoms are just a little over an inch wide, which gives indication of the small size of the butterflies.

9th 004 (2)

Whoops…..I guess there’s no butterfly in the scene below, but there is a bee of some sort…..and a little green bug.  Asters appear to be a popular destination!

9th 006


Wish I could think of something to write about…..a story from the memory bank, maybe; but I’ve blogged so many of them already that its difficult to think of anything new.  Nothing much has been happening on the farm lately.  The end-of-summer lull is upon us and I love it.  Silo-filling won’t start for another week or so.  The lawn’s growth has slowed.  Pumpkins are turning orange---though it seems too early for that with Halloween still many weeks away.  The air has a fullness to it.  A fullness of sounds: crickets, locusts, cornstalk rustlings….and a fullness of stuff: pollen, dust, the first falling leaves.  Not a heaviness, certainly, but a fullness here in the finality of summer and the first inklings of autumn.  Anticipation of harvest.

Have a wonderful day!  Smile. Listen. Be kind. (notes to self)



Gail said...

The butterflies may sense this is the last flower of the season.

Gigi Ann said...

Hi Jeannelle,

It was nice to hear from you. Talk about not being a good bloggin' buddy, I have slowed down also. I read many times but don't comment. I have been doing so many things other then blogging. Like reading, crocheting, and just being downright lazy doing nothing. haha...

I love the pictures of your butterflies, and flowers, after all they are among some of my favorite things.

Have a great day.


Bren Haas said...

We have not had many butterflies this year... but lots of toads and praying mantis!

Love your photos... enjoy your season. (hugs) Bren

Trisha said...

Butterlies always appreciate a nice patch of flowers - no matter how small! The butterlies look like the very elusive ones I tried to snap while on the farm in Ohio. I wonder if they are the same?

The feeling of "fall" is wonderful - isn't it?

Caution/Lisa said...

That thought about the air having a fullness was just beautifully articulated. Maybe I will end my blog reading for the day because nothing could top your writing today!

Nancy said...

Haven't the flowers been nice this year? Or maybe it's just your pictures. I have asters for the first time and they are just about to bloom.

Leenie said...

Thanks!! :D Have a good one.