Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Solomon’s Seal

solomon seal close up

They look like blueberries, don’t they, but they’re not…..not even close.  This is Solomon’s Seal (a member of the Lily family)…..a large patch of which graces the fencerow near our driveway.  The light green bell-like flowers are long gone, of course, leaving these blue berries, which I don’t think are edible, at least I’ve never heard of anyone eating them…..not even birds.

solomon seal row One of my wildflower books states the following about Solomon’s Seal: 

Typically a woodland plant, but occasional in moist thickets and streambanks in prairie regions, as well as in moist prairies; found throughout the tallgrass region, but mostly in the eastern half.  The roots were used as medicine and food by Native Americans and pioneers, and were ground into flour or eaten boiled.

Hmm…..I should pull up a root sometime and see what it looks like.  I’ve read that if you cut the stem near the root, you will see a Star of Solomon/David design…..hence the plant’s name, of course.  Actually, I peered into a Solomon’s Seal flower one time and noticed a six-sided star design in there, too.  It was very tiny, though…..I practically needed a magnifying glass to see it.

solomon seal green 

Have a pleasant day!



Anonymous said...

Yes, when even the birds won't eat them it's a pretty sure sign that people shouldn't either. Great shots!

Snappy Di

Pat - Arkansas said...

As I've been working in and around the yard lately, I've found all sorts of volunteer plants, the identity of which I have *no* idea. I thought at first glance that I might also have a Solomon's Seal, but closer inspection indicates that is not the case. I need a comprehensive botany book.

Great photos!

Deb said...

It must have some purpose on this earth....

Midlife Roadtripper said...

You find such beauty in things many of us might not even notice. Thanks for bringing it to me.

Leenie said...

I don't think we have that one around here, but I am going to watch for it when I can ever get out of this building. Been playing catch-up at work and sneaking in blog reading while waiting for the printer. Posts like yours make my day. (I know I'm easily entertained). Thanks for the fun info and well done photo.

Mary said...

Beautiful, as always. I agree, your eye catches things that many of us do not.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Snappy Finger,

Sounds like good advice.


Hi, Pat,

And, isn't it fun to watch and see what decides to grow on its own.....I enjoy that.


Hi, Deb,

That's a nice thought!


Hi, Midlife Jobhunter,

Thank you for your kind words!


Hi, Leenie,

Hope you've gotten outdoors by now. You might not have Solomon's Seal out there in Utah.


Hi, Mary,

Such kind word, too. Thank you!