Friday, January 14, 2011

Raffle Quilt

quilt 006

One of my daughters was lucky enough to win this quilt at a Ladies Aid raffle at our church awhile back. She is in college right now so this quilt made by several talented church ladies is part of her hope chest at the present time. The dark color didn’t photograph very well, but it is purple. The cross-stitch embroidery in the blocks is done in lavender and purple.

Raffles are interesting. Several years ago as treasurer of the Ladies Aid it was my responsibility to secure a gambling license so our group could hold a quilt raffle at a church dinner. There was lots of rigmarole involved---a long form to fill out and a trip to the courthouse to track down the county sheriff so he could sign his John Henry in order to bestow legality on the Ladies Aid's plan. A raffle is a game of chance; you spend money on raffle tickets not knowing whether you'll win or not and apparently that amounts to gambling in the eyes of the law. Hmm.....a questionable activity such as gambling being sanctioned by a church ladies' group…..that has to border on heretical or sacrilegious or something, don’t you think. (Don't take me too seriously, please.)


Pat - Arkansas said...

That's beautiful embroidery on your daughter's quilt. What a nice hope chest item.

Our church ladies once wanted to hold a raffle for a nice TV which a member had donated, but the rigamarole to get permission to do so was so complicated that we ended up just selling it.

Caution/Lisa said...

My mom's church just held a similar raffle and I don't think it ever entered their minds that it was a form of gambling!

I love quilts. I used to think that in my next life I would be a quilter, but now I hope in my next life I will have lots of expendable cash and can just buy the quilts.

DesertHen said...

What gorgeous colors in the quilt! The light purple stitching against that dark purple is lovely!

We do a lot of raffles for our county 4-H program and recently have been informed that it is a form of gambling, but hey, we live in NV and gambling is legal I say what the heck sell those tickets and let's see who wins. Other states are not so lucky and like you mentioned have to jump through hoops to get permission to hold a raffle. Which is rather silly since raffles help raise awarness and much needed funding for many wonderful organizations during these tough finanical times!