Thursday, February 10, 2011

Opaque Boredom

In case you haven’t noticed, a few weeks ago this blogger reworded her blog’s description (see top of blog) to include the phrase opaque boredom.  Not that she had thoroughly thought through what the meaning of opaque boredom might be, impulsively typing the word opaque simply because it is the opposite of sheer.  She felt momentarily clever for having done so.

We’ve all reached the point of sheer---or absolute---boredom at times, at least this blogger presumes most everyone has.  Usually, such a state is short-lived because a quick remedy can generally be found simply by reaching for something to read.

Now to investigate what opaque boredom might mean.  Apparently, the phrase is used next to never for this blogger did an internet search of opaque boredom and found her own blog listed as the first entry.  Most of the subsequent search results showed opaque and boredom used, but not as a duo side by side in a phrase.  The dictionary definition of opaque is “impervious to the passage of light” and “unperceptive”.  Perhaps a person in the throes of opaque boredom would not even perceive it, hence an unperceptive state would exist.  Might not be so bad---to be bored and not realize it. 


Gail said...

Boredom is a sad state, I am sorry you are suffering from it.

Here's to an exciting day, let your mind travel.

nonizamboni said...

Don't forget these midwest winters' effect on our very soul. I hear you!
Spring will be coming...