Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Looking Up in Pella

  When touring downtown Pella, don’t forget to look up!  9.24.11 Pella (26) I could have spent the entire day craning my neck to gaze upward at fascinating brickwork and intricate architectural details.

9.24.11 Pella (27)

In this next row of buildings, the Pella Opera House is the one with the four round windows.

9.24.11 Pella (28)

With a height of 124 feet, the Vermeer Windmill towers above everything in town.

9.24.11 Pella (52)

I enjoyed seeing tiled rooftops….

9.24.11 Pella (105) ….and, a rooster-topped steeple!

9.24.11 Pella (42)

Actually, I very much enjoyed seeing everything there was to see in Pella!  More to come in future blogposts.


Trisha said...

Wonderful details on those buildings! I would have been looking up the entire time I was there too!

DesertHen said...

I love these photos! I see "things in a row" in that top photo. You should join in the meme, it's a really fun one to do.

Jeannelle said...

Thanks for commenting, Trisha and Deserthen. Yes, I'm joining in Thursday's Things in a Row tomorrow!

Carletta said...

The architectural details are indeed fascinating in that one little section of buildings. I really love this kind of detail as opposed to the modern day brick and glass.
Thanks for your visit to my photoblog. I like you work here.:)