Saturday, December 10, 2011

Doing a Link in a Comment

You may already know how to do a link within a comment box, but in case you don’t, here are the instructions:


1.  Type <a href=”

2.  Copy the web address you want to link to.  (To copy, right-click on the webpage address at the top of its page and then right-click on the word “copy” in the box that appears.)

3.  Paste the web address right next to the quotation mark.  (To paste, right-click next to the quotation mark and right-click on the word “paste” in the box that appears.)    

4.  Type “>

5.  Type the phrase that you want to appear as the highlighted name of the link.

6.  Type </a>


This is how it would look if I were doing a link to my blog:

<a href=””>Midlife by Farmlight</a>


Midlife by Farmlight would then appear as a highlighted link when the comment is posted. 

Your assignment, should you accept it, is to do a link in a comment to this post!


Ms. Becky said...

I've never known how to do this. so I'm going to give it a go. here you go -

Shaking The Tree</a

well now, let's just see if it works!

Ms. Becky said...

I think I did something wrong.