Monday, August 27, 2012

Locust Tree

Silo-filling continues.  Sometimes, in between making casseroles and brownies for the guys, I sneak away on photo hunts.  That’s what happens when you become a blogger! 
A couple miles from here is a woodsy area along the road and I went there recently.  “NO TRESPASSING” signs can be depressing, so why not fight back by taking pictures of them! 
Aug 25 (52)
On the right in the above photo is some kind of Locust tree. 
Here’s a closer look at the seed pods:
Aug 25 (53) Speaking of blogging, sometimes I get so caught up in reading the nearly 240 blogs on my Google Reader that I would almost rather do that than post on my own blog. Usually, there are around 100 or so new blogposts to look at every day.  My husband and I don’t travel much, so I really enjoy scenery photos from other parts of the U.S. and the world.  Awhile back, I decided not to be a follower of blogs anymore.  Being a follower is just not my thing, but I do very much enjoy perusing many blogs!   


42N said...

Wonderful photos of the trees and sign. I too explore the world through reading blogs but do not offically follow many. I especially like Iowa based blogs like yours where people describe the area around them and make everyday become interesting.

Anonymous said...

Those are great shots. Love those seed pods. I love reading blogs, but with going back to work, I just am struggling with finding time.