Saturday, November 17, 2012

Birds of the Day

This morning my husband and I went to another "open barn" to view robotic milkers in action.  I don't think we'll ever buy such a thing (they are VERY expensive), but its fun to see how they work.  Afterwards, I was sitting in the pickup reading a book and bemoaning the fact that there's nothing much to take pictures of right now when this gang of sparrows landed on a nearby pile of old fence wire...

Later, we saw this floating flock of Canada geese as we crossed the Cedar River in Waverly...


DesertHen said...

Those little sparrow provided a perfect photo opt. They were a cute cluster of birds.

Gail said...

Love that sparrow shot. I think they heard and lined up just for you.

Jeanne said...

I stop here now and then but I don't believe I have ever commented until now.
I just love the sparrow picture! You couldn't stage that in a million years. Just perfect!