Wednesday, December 19, 2012


This isn't a very cheery photo for this happy holiday season, but it fits my mood today...

Something is telling me, "Don't put that photo on", but I'm doing it anyway.  It was taken earlier this month on a foggy Sunday morning as I was walking to the mailbox to get the newspaper.  

My mood is a little dark because we just received news of the death of a former resident of our neighborhood along this road.  The deceased had lived a very long life, so I shouldn't be too sad, I know, but I am.  Mostly because it makes me wish my own grandparents were still alive.  I miss them and I miss being a child.  I don't really like being the older generation, not because I mind getting older, but because I don't like being the one that younger people look to for supposed perfection.  I'm not perfect and of course I know my grandparents were not perfect, either, but I didn't realize that when I was a child.  Realizations aren't that great sometimes.


Dan said...

Don't be so hard on yourself. I suspect like many, this time of year gives way to a reawakening of earlier years and innocence.

Focus on the positive moments and memories and thoughts of your neighbour.

Lap Dog Knits said...

I love the photo...not sure what exactly that says about me but I do..
Circle of's not over...just moves to a new location...
just beyond the fog....
may hold our greatest gifts...

happy holidays!!!!

Gail said...

Many people have trouble with the holidays. It is never easy to lose someone. Know they are just a thought away and the sun will shine again.

Leave It To Davis said...

Oh, I'm so sad for you. I know what you mean about missing your grandparents. I always miss mine, but it's worse around Christmas. There was a man my hubby worked for as a teen stacking feed sacks and hauling hay that died last week. He was 89, which is a wonderful, fulfilled life. Many people left comments on the virtual book on the funeral home website. As my hubby read the obituary, my hubby's voice cracked, and his eyes welled up with tears. It was a part of his childhood gone forever. He will miss the man, but he will also miss seeing this man, who always reminded him of the way things used to be. I do know where you are coming from. It isn't fun getting old, but then getting old isn't for sissys. It takes guts. Just remember that some grand day, we will get to see our loved ones again. Some day. Until then, you have to leave your mark on someone who will remember you for the way you used to be and the life you helped them live. :)