Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Autumn Street Sign

 I found this Autumn street sign in a small town in northeast Iowa.

I am now sixty-something, surely getting into the autumn of my life.  In 2007, when I started blogging I was fifty-something.  The word "midlife" in my blog's title fit my age then.  Now not so much.  What to do about that I can't decide.  "Life by Farmlight"  might be a good title as I still live on the farm.  I'll just keep thinking about what to do.


rhymeswithplague said...

I started blogging in September 2007 when I was 66. It is hard for me to realize that if I make it to my next birthday in March I shall be 80 years old. I guess I have been in winter for some time now.

Jeannelle said...

Oh, there's no winter in Georgia, is there? Your deep thinking tells me your mind is in summer shape. Sorry if I made you consider yourself in winter. You definitely are not. And, I'm very glad you're still blogging!

rhymeswithplague said...

We have all 4 seasons in Georgia, but they’re not as extreme as in other places , say summer in Arizona or winter in Iowa. Georgia is the only place I have lived where each season actually lasts about three months. We get a few inches of snow every once in a while, but no, it isn’t Iowa!

rhymeswithplague said...

We have all 4 seasons in Georgia, but they’re not as extreme as in other places , say summer in Arizona or winter in Iowa. Georgia is the only place I have lived where each season actually lasts about three months. We get a few inches of snow every once in a while, but no, it isn’t Iowa!