Tuesday, November 24, 2020

This Really Happened

 Last week here on the blog I mentioned that we have a cat named Neal Page after Steve Martin's character in the Thanksgiving movie, "Planes, Trains, and Automobiles".

Well, here's a story about something that really happened to me.  The kids and I had stayed overnight at a hotel.  In the morning I went down to the front desk to pay for our room.  We completed the transaction and the clerk handed me the receipt.  I took a seat in the lobby and looked at said receipt.  Instead of my name at the top it had the name of a Neil Page who had the room next to us.  I wondered if this was some sort of joke.  I went back to the front desk and showed the receipt to the clerk who remedied the situation and gave me the correct receipt.  The kids got quite a charge out of it when I told them what happened.

My apologies if I blogged about this in the past.  I might have.  I just don't remember.  "Search this Blog" in the side column would enlighten me.  Maybe I just don't want to know.

Have a terrific Tuesday.
Stay safe and well.

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