Saturday, January 2, 2021

New Year's Day 2021

Happy New Year! This photo shows some of our round bales of cornstalks.  With the snow on them I think they resemble giant frosted mini-wheats.
My husband was somewhat disgusted when he came in for lunch today.  One of the cows appeared to be ready to freshen (give birth) but she wasn't trying to push.  Husband had checked inside to make sure the calf was in the correct position for birth.  It was.  He called the vet to make sure someone was available in case he needed their help.

After lunch and a short nap Husband went back out to check on the cow.  Thankfully, by then she had started to push.  She soon delivered a nice heifer calf.  That was our New Year's Day excitement.

Enjoy your Saturday!

Stay safe, warm, and well.



Far Side of Fifty said...

Well that was a nice New Years gift...a new heifer calf!

At Home In New Zealand said...

I'm glad the calf arrived safely. I used to disappear inside and leave the menfolk to deal with things when it wasn't going to plan.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have seen them birth on a special on tv but not in real life, so this would be really exciting to me..

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy and Healthy 2021! I'm glad to hear your cow delivered safely and you did not need the help of a vet.

Susie of Arabia said...

A new year, a new birth. How cool is that?

Rose said...

Oh, how special. We always had a few cows at home...each one had a name. They were a dukes mixture. It has been too long since I got to be around a calf...