Thanks for all the guesses!! Especially, since it wasn't really a fair game. The answer is "net-wrap", which only someone familiar with large round bales of straw, hay, or cornstalks would know. Netwrap is plastic netting that comes on a roll which is inserted into the baler and wraps around the bale to hold it together. When Husband needs to use a bale, he cuts through the netwrap with a jack knife and peels it away, allowing the bale to fall apart and be used as feed or bedding. Husband wads up the used netwrap to be burned later. He wraps it together as tightly as possible because if the netwrap gets spread out or blown around, it catches on everything. Its a nuisance! I've gotten my feet caught in some before, and its difficult to get untangled from. Also, the dogs and cats can easily get caught in it.
We usually end up with a pile of the discarded netwrap balls in a corner by a shed, which is where I snapped this photo. It looked so interesting all covered in ice!
Ah! I was close. :) I never would have guessed it, though, because I'm used to the other kind of baling. I can't remember exactly what it is, I just remember cutting the traps. :)
I've been blogging since early 2007. I'm sixty-something and live on a farm in Iowa. I have a husband, four grown children, and seven grandchildren. Taking photos is fun and I like the blog because its weed-free, dust-free, and organized.
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Ah! I was close. :) I never would have guessed it, though, because I'm used to the other kind of baling. I can't remember exactly what it is, I just remember cutting the traps. :)
I knew it was the wrap for the bales but didn't know the proper name.
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