(Little did I know, when I snapped these silly photos on Monday, that they would be timely for a blogpost two days later. There you have it.........don't ever fight the urge to take a photo.........even of something trivial.........it might come in handy very soon......or even later!!)
Disturbing news is emerging from the blogosphere........concerning bloggers' blogging habits, and this post is offered as timely evidence. Research is showing that once they discover they have an audience, bloggers DO tend to descend into the habit of BLOGGING TO THEIR AUDIENCE! Not only does my new blogger acquaintance,
Ann of From the Front Porch, suspect this.......but, additionally, proof is literally shown below:
On Monday I was privileged and honored to have my nephew and niece spend the day here; they are 9 and 11-years-old, respectively........delightful kids.........great spontaneous conversationalists. I miss having kids that age around the house.
My nephew spied the old Nintendo64 and asked if they could play with it. I said, "You probably won't like it.......its old and outdated." My nephew replied, "I like old stuff." How about that!! I see a bright future for this boy!!
Anyhow.........here we go........I now, at this very moment, find myself caught up in creating a blogpost with Caution's family in mind. (They are the family of racing flags, remember.) This photo below is for her husband, who goes by the name of "Checkered" on Caution's blog.
IF I knew the slightest thing about playing video games and was able to take part in this racing game, I would definitely choose to drive a VAN, because I spent 15 years hauling my kids around in a big, old Dodge van, our second home. The faithful, but rusty, old clunker still runs, although we don't use it much.......yesterday I moved it so I could mow the weeds popping up around it.
Bloggers, go ahead and blog for an audience, or blog for yourself.......just keep blogging!
(Caution.......I hope you didn't mind........the photos just fit right in, and I couldn't resist!)
Too funny. I wonder if you have little symbols like racing flags in mind for all of us.
Hi, Ruth!
No.....I'm just quite taken by caution's idea of portraying her family as racing flags! Clever!
Hope you're having a good day.....and that you've maybe taken a break to go get some yummy blueberries!
I love the donky kong that game was my sons and my absolute favorite and he loved the next version that came out on the 64 but This that your kids are playing was MY FAVORITE :) great memories there!
Love it! I've been trying to figure out why I started our family down this Nascar road. Checkered began to learn about Nascar with me simply because he loves me. I still don't have an answer. You're philosophically inclined, Jeannelle. Wonder if you can figure out my Nascar love??
Hi, Laura!
Thanks for stopping by!
Your knowledge of Donkey Kong and video games in general is far beyond mine! All I ever learned to do was plunk down the money to purchase the games! Trying to recall.....I think we started with SuperNintendo, then upgraded to Nintendo64, and now my son has a GameCube, but its not as awesome as PlayStation or XBox or Wii.....so I've heard.
In the attic is buried my brother's old Atari.......with PacMan and Pitfall, etc. Gosh, we used to think that was just the coolest thing!
Hi, Caution....flag!
Really?? YOU led your family onto the Nascar path?? Researchers somewhere may wish to study that fact.....
Hm-m......you must have deep-seated need for speed. That's all my humidity-addled brain can come up with this morning!!
My sister and her family are Nascar fans, too......but that came about in a more ordinary manner.....because of her husband's interest in racing. I've been amazed over the years, though, at how caught up in it my sister gets.....and now you, too......I must be missing something......
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