** ** This photo shows last night's full moon........around 8 p.m. or so., in the eastern sky........smack in the middle of September! Its not a "Harvest Moon" or a "Hunter's Moon", but I'm calling it an "Apple Moon" this time!
As a matter of fact, it is (was) a "Harvest Moon" on Monday night. I always used to think the harvest moon was in October, but someone disabused me of that notion. It's the full moon in September.
Thank you for the info! I thought the Harvest Moon occurred in October, too!
The moonrises have been just beautiful the last two evenings, and most likely will be again tonight.....after some early morning low-lying fog, its been clear skies all day.
Yes, I know what you mean.....a person can't hesitate long with getting a good moon shot. I was carrying calf bottles out of the barn and glanced over and saw the moon......and, immediately dropped the bottles and ran to the house for the camera!
I've been blogging since early 2007. I'm sixty-something and live on a farm in Iowa. I have a husband, four grown children, and seven grandchildren. Taking photos is fun and I like the blog because its weed-free, dust-free, and organized.
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Too Kewl, Kiddo! :) Neat photo. I was looking at the moon last night, myself, and thinking about long-ago Harvest Moons.
Too Cool, yourself, Pat!! You're still up reading blogs!! I'm glad you had a clear sky to see the full moon last night, too!
WOW Jeannelle! That is the pretties pix I've seen! Was the sky really that color??
BEATUIFUL isn't enough for this!
Super, super cool pic! Really! Amazing!
"A framer" as I call it;)
NO, the sky was not this color! I was trying to make the apple stand out more and ended up with this color!
adventure girl,
Thanks! I liked it to and you never know, the apple could fall off the tree today and this scene will be history!
As a matter of fact, it is (was) a "Harvest Moon" on Monday night. I always used to think the harvest moon was in October, but someone disabused me of that notion. It's the full moon in September.
Thank you for the info! I thought the Harvest Moon occurred in October, too!
The moonrises have been just beautiful the last two evenings, and most likely will be again tonight.....after some early morning low-lying fog, its been clear skies all day.
This is such a cool photo. I love it. I was also trying to get a picture of the moon that night but i let it get too dark. Dang!
Hi, egghead!
Yes, I know what you mean.....a person can't hesitate long with getting a good moon shot. I was carrying calf bottles out of the barn and glanced over and saw the moon......and, immediately dropped the bottles and ran to the house for the camera!
Quite artistic!
I hope you're framing this. It is simply. Well, simply wonderful!!
What an amazing shot!!!
I would hang this one in my kitchen......I just love apples!
country girl and deserthen,
Thank you for your kind comments!
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