Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Wii Me really uploaded these photos in the wrong order. Oh, well......YOU would have never known that if I hadn't just now told you! My "Wii" ID photo was supposed to be first, but instead we see this adorable kitty beseeching with his eyes to, "READ ME". That's because he graces the cover of a book I received from my daughter and her husband for Christmas.....DEWEY: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World. Its a true story which took place in Spencer, Iowa........I'm looking forward to reading it! Have any of you ever heard of this particular Dewey? And, can you guess how he got his name?'s another nice gift I received........a pound of Smokey Row coffee. When my daughter was a student at Central College in Pella, she and her friends would hang out at the Smokey Row Coffee House establishment in downtown Pella. I was privileged to also be a customer there on several occasions, the most recent being early this fall when I took my son to Pella for the Dutch Homecoming football game. My camera saw lots of use that day, and I published several blogposts about the sights in Pella, but I didn't get finished, and one of the places I hadn't gotten around to blogging about was "Smokey Row". I will do that sometime.....if I remember to......because "Smokey Row" is a really cool place! My daughter says that a new "Smokey Row" will soon open in Des Moines.
Here we want to see what I sort of look like? Ok, then.......the next photo shows my "Wii" identity......its the "Wii Me". My daughter and son-in-law have a Nintendo "Wii" video game system which they kindly brought along to our house to prevent holiday boredom from setting in. My high school son is ecstatic to have a Wii at his disposal for a few days!

This next scene from the Wii bowling game shows members of my family........lovely bunch, aren't they?! I'm so proud of them!
Wouldn't you know it.......said family members above roped me into participating in a game of Wii bowling. Below you see a Wii controller.......the steering wheel shape is useful in games that involve driving. For bowling, you pop out the rectangular piece and use it as if it is your bowling ball. That's right........put your best bowling form into practice: take aim at the pins; swing the "ball" back to build velocity; then throw the "ball" forward with strong motion, releasing a button on the back to send the ball forward. Yeah....guess can still throw gutter balls, and slow-rolling granny shots, both of which I did manage to do. Haha, pat myself on the back, for I also managed two spares and one strike!
Oh.......I thought there was another photo, but I guess not. This is the end and there ain't no more. I'm beat. A HAPPY CHRISTMAS to all and to all a GOOD NIGHT!


rhymeswithplague said...

Happy Second Christmas, Jeannelle! In Britain and the British Commonwealth countries, Dec. 26th is known as Boxing Day (the day everyone opens their boxes; the 25th is more for the religious observation).

The only Dewey I know defeated Truman in 1948. Oh, and also the one whose Decimal System is used in libraries.

For the last couple of years our Christmas has started on the 24th and ended on the 27th or 28th because of how the family was able (or not able) to get together all at the same time. We got to see them all, but all of them didn't see one another.

My two sons' kids both have Wiis (Wii's?) but my daughter's kids don't have one. Loads of fun.

Gail said...

Wii...I've been thinking about one of those instead of a treadmill. Probably would not find time for either one!
Sounds like you had a delightful holiday.
Happy Holidays!

DesertHen said...

What great gifts...a book and those two go hand in hand...=) I have heard of Dewey and I do know where his name came from. Our Library has a "library" cat....we had a Dewey, but he went we have Jilly-Boo.

The Wii's are so much fun. A friend of my daughter has one and they play for hours on end. We tried to get one last year, but there were none to be found to buy in our little area.

Enjoy your day......

Anonymous said...

Our Christmas is tomorrow...two boys couldn't make it into town until then...

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Rhymsie,

Enjoy all your days of Christmas celebrating! And, you mentioned where Dewey the Cat got his name....from the Dewey Decimal System.


Hi, Gail,

Someone told me that some nursing homes have Wii's now to help the residents exercise!


Hi, Deserthen,

Hey, that's neat you've heard of this Dewey the Cat....and, your library has a cat, too! I've never heard of libraries having cats until I got this book. One of our local nursing homes has a cat which wanders in and out of residents' rooms. They love him or her!!


Hi, Kacey,

Have a wonderful time with your loved ones tomorrow!! Thanks for stopping in!

Clair said...

I just finished reading Dewey a couple of days before Christmas...if you like cats and books you should enjoy the book.