daughter packed up her gear and hustled back to the college dorm over the weekend. Of course, I will miss her a bit, but when kids get to her age they need to be off doing their own thing. If you are presently a mother of young children and can't comprehend that you will ever feel that way about your kids......just will. I fully believe parents are supposed to feel that way when their children are grown. How I chuckle over our mother cat, Miss Kitty.......once her kittens are weaned, she greets them with a motherly HISS and runs the other direction!
I may have to start saving my shekels for an inexpensive laptop to use just for surfing the internet and visiting blogs. There's a world of difference between the comfort levels of the cushy recliner and this computer chair I'm sitting in right now. Then again, I think its not the chair's fault, but simply the position one sits in while typing at the keyboard. I can't imagine what it must be like to have a job that requires working at a computer desk all day. Those of you who do that have my sincere sympathy!
I'm open to any words of wisdom from you about shopping for laptops. My daughter has a Dell Inspiron 6400 which she bought with graduation money two years ago. She wishes she had a lighter weight one now, so maybe I should offer to buy hers and she could look for a different one. I won't be carting the laptop around with me, so its weight is not an issue. Our desktop is a Dell, too, four years old now, and works well.
Don't you love Dell? I am a laptop idiot. Does not having a mouse, a great inconvience?
Ahhh, you've been working on your site. Cool!
Let's review my five am comment about the lack of a mouse on a was typed wrong, totally not what I meant to say. Do you miss a mouse when working on a laptop? I tried a laptop and that made me uncomfortable...just not use to it. Then, again, I only checked it out for five minutes. Would I overcome my fear of loss of mouse?
Dells last so long that you will never need another computer again. Really! A scheckle here...a scheckle there...
Well, I would sure miss my mouse on a laptop! When my daughter went to college in Alberta, a drive of 11 (or more) hours, or a quick plane ride away, and would be gone for 4 months, each time after she left, my heart felt so heavy, and I would have a good cry. It was not so hard when her brothers did the same, maybe because I was used to it by then, also because a daughter, well - is a daughter! Now she is married and they have 2 sons, and I don't cry when we part, just look forward to the next meeting. Dairymary
First, let me say: "I love my laptop."
I love not having the mouse. And now when I use the desktop computer the mouse is just a nuisance.
But, I must admit I started out using a mouse with my laptop. It was a wireless mouse. But, once I got the hang of using my fingers for the mouse I love it. No more mice around here! ;)
And I agree with you, I sit in my "Reading Corner" in my recliner and type away, or read, whatever the case. And no backache here! Just smiles! ;))
We have an enormous laptop, so it sits on a kitchen counter much like a desktop but with a little more flexibility. We do move it from counter to counter to table and because it's on the counter and not our laps, we can use a mouse.
Now, why did you shatter my romantic delusions about being a nurse?! Bedpans? Argh!!!!
they are all lighter now... stick with dell... I would
Hi, Gail, first, I thought, "What? No mouse." But after about FIVE minutes I was OK with it. The comfort factor cancels out slight disadvantages like having no mouse. I will still have the desktop here for working with photos, anyway.
Hi, Deb,
Ok, good....another vote for a Dell, evidently.
Hi, Dairymary,
Hey, nice to hear from you....I've been hoping you were OK.
I hear ya....probably it doesn't hit me as hard because my daughter is only 30 minutes away. But, sometimes I think I lack a mothering gene....truly I'm happy to have the kids off on their own. I will admit, though.....that I sometimes miss not having another female around the house. Its a gut level thing.....hormonal, I think. This is the first time in my life that I've lived outnumbered by men in the household. An odd loneliness comes over me at times.
Hi, Gramma Ann,
Your comment would make a good ad for laptops. That's interesting that you tried the wireless mouse, but then switched to the little finger pad anyway. And, sitting in a recliner, it wouldn't work to use a mouse'd need a lap board, or something.
Hi, Caution,
We can't have you defecting from blogging to nursing.....that's why!
Hi, Laura,
Good, another Dell vote.
I was worried when I went back to work that my back would hurt daily as I do a lot of computer work at my desk....guess really hasn't happened. I have a great computer desk chair, fits me well and very comfortable, so I think the chair and posture really do make a difference. I tend to slump as I get tired, but this chair keeps me upright, so no tension builds up between the shoulderblades or in the neck/shoulder area.
We love our laptops...there are two in the house now. Countrychick has one for her schoolwork and my MIL sent me her laptop at Christmas time as she can no longer use it due to her having a stroke. They are not Dells but work very well for us. If I was going to buy one...I would go with Dell or HP. They are both awesome, light weight and come in great colors. If you like the idea of a mouse, you can always use a wireless mouse. Okay, back to work....I have a meeting in 15 I took a blogging break first...=)
Never had a computer that was not a laptop, except the very first one. I use a wireless "trackball" mouse with it. Have done so for years. When I used to have to work in an office, I made them give me a laptop. All thought I was crazy.
We had Dells a the office for years and they were great. Not so great now.They jsut settled a suit for customer warranty issues. They are made overseas now and are, in my opinion, no better than a lot of others.
HP /Compaq makes a perfectly thin and light one which, if caught on sale, can be bought reasonably cheap. Look also online, in your case (since I doubt you have one in Readlyn or Klinger!)for a "Laptop's USA." They sell some very reasonable used/reconditioned laptops that are worth a look. A Dell there would be worth it.
I would get at least a 14.5 inch screen so one can see. If you like the "heat pad," that makes it even better. I hate them since I tend to drag my palm across them and end up typing in the wrong place. All have a disable function.
I've got a Dell Inspiron E1505 that's got tons of extra memory. Originally cost me just under $800 on sale and I've had it about a year and a half.
I bought a Maxtor external hard drive over the summer to aid in photo storage and now have all my picture files on that.
I love a laptop. I love being able to sit on my couch in the living room where it's warm and be near my husband. We're watching American Idol now.
Oh, and I paid for my laptop in time increments through Dell. They had a zero financing thing going on and it got paid off quick.
I adore my laptop. It feels like my third arm.
We use Macs in this house. I love them. (And they get much fewer viruses.)
Hi, Deserthen,
Thanks for visiting here on your break. That's good you have the right kind of must be that the word?
You, and Reamus in the next comment mention HP as a possibility, too.....that's good to know.
Hi, Reamus,
So, used and reconditioned are a safe bet, too? I hadn't thought of that. And, yes, I definitely want a big screen for ease of reading.
I'll have to look up what the "heat pad" is on a laptop.
Hi, Country Girl,
Ok...thanks for mentioning a model number. I will look into that. And, that sounds like a good idea to have the external hard drive for photo files.
Hi, Ruth,
Yes, I predict I will adore a laptop, too. Our phone company, through which we get internet, also offers a virus protection service for $5/month, and I take advantage of that for peace of mind. They update constantly.
All my kids have Dell laptops and love them. I have a Mac laptop and I love it as well. The lack of a mouse bothered me at first but only for a few minutes. But I love the convenience of taking it anywhere and being comfortable. Oh and we all use external hard drives for photo backup and storage.
Searching for Recliner Office Chair at reasonable prices, then log on to
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