Thursday WAS the coldest day of the year, until Friday morning (yesterday) came calling with temperatures of 30 degrees below zero AND below, causing Coldest-Ever records to be set in several places in Iowa.
From the house door, looking to the barn, this is what you see shortly after the sun has risen. No, the barn is not on fire--Heaven forbid. Its the colorful early morning sunlight interacting with steam from the milker pump motor exhaust pipe.
Fancy frost adorned the door leading from the milking barn to the cowyard.

This guy---my husband---was definitely not in "happy camper" mode yesterday morning. Can you tell he's very tired of this weather, and is impatiently enduring a head cold. Sometimes I think my main purpose in life is to be there to say to him at strategic moments, "Things could always be worse, dear." Because they always could, dear readers.

Husband had just returned from crawling into this dark, creepy opening and climbing way up the silo, carrying hot water in bottles, in order to thaw out the silo unloader motor so it would start running to throw silage down for the cows to eat. He was like Hansel and Gretel climbing into the wicked old witch's oven. Come to think of it......these dangerously cold temperatures ARE wicked.

For your viewing's a fancy, flowery frosted cow pie......or cow patty, as Pat from Arkansas would say. Enjoy......

Ah, was cancelled again yesterday, although the basketball game in the evening was held as scheduled. We did not attend. In this next scene, Betsy the Australian Shepherd Queen of the Farm regally keeps watch as my son loosens hay from a round bale to feed to older calves. There is no school Monday either due to Martin Luther King Day and teacher in-service meetings, meaning a four-day weekend for the schoolkids. Like they need that right now.

Poor Husband.......he's carrying more hot thaw out cattle water fountains. A crust of ice forms on top of each one during the nights when its so cold.

Here's how the barn looked after the cows were turned out. Nice and steamy. Time now to do the scraping, liming, and bedding to provide comfortable digs for the cows to return to in a few minutes. They can't stay out very long in the extreme cold......their teats might freeze. Painful thought.

Oh, my......the barn windows provide strange sights to behold.

And, here's a herd of frosted icicles:

Buster doesn't seem to mind living in an icebox, that's for sure. I should have taken a video of him happily rolling and frolicking in the snow. Instead he's caught here in an odd still shot pose:

The mercury in the thermometers is moving upwards, thankfully. High today of 2o degrees ABOVE zero. Hooray! Maybe we soon can stop gritting our chattering teeth and bundling up in as many clothing layers as possible. When I wake up in the morning, that's what I dread the most.......pullling on all those clothes and thick, heavy coats, boots, scarves, gloves, until I feel bulky and awkward like the Michelin Man. It takes about fifteen minutes---and several gulps of coffee---to get into the mood to do that.
I know its been unseasonably cold in many areas.......perhaps yours, too. Just do it......bundle up and stay warm!
Now that is cold...I will add that to my list. I never thought about that, cold enough for the milk to freeze INSIDE the cow.
Sending some of our heat wave your way. It is currently 25 degrees ant 5:26am.
I amm ashamed to even complain here ...
Birmingham, AL
26° F
-3° C
32 degrees here. We are having a heat wave compared to you. Thanks for documenting your area for us. Stay warm.
Hi Jeanelle, nice to see pictures of your farm. I like the ones with the frosted windows. I've been reading of your cold weather, and what we thought was cold here before Christmas(-14 C, 7 F was our coldest) just doesn't compare to your cold climate right now! Mind you, with our strong winds and high humidity, it felt much colder. In Alberta, at my daughter's farm for Christmas, we had your kind of cold, as low as
-34 C, -39 F. Then it slowly warmed up to -6 C, 21 F. It was neat to experience a prairie winter, especially with excitement of grandsons. Dairymary
EWWW too cold too cold. I am just north of you in Minnesota, but it just doesn't seem that cold here.
I know what you mean though. We used to raise beef cattle when I was a kid.
And my cousin was a dairy farmer too. We used to go down and help from time to time.
It makes me shiver just thinking about it.
when you visit my blog keep in mind I am not whining just stating facts and I certianly dont want to get anywhere near the temps you guys are getting and YES things could be oh so much worse :)
Love n hugs nad a grin too...
ps the cow pie made me laugh out loud!
Leave it to a farmer's wife to describe a row of icicles as a "herd"!!
I am curious about the "Coldest Ever" temperatures. Do the weather-reporting folks mean Coldest Ever EVER or just Coldest Ever for the date in question? I think nowadays they usually mean the latter.
We were a mere 12 degrees two mornings ago, but now its a balmy 35 degrees. Oh, we have snow in the forecast tonight!
Hi, Gail,
Well....actually, I should have said the teat could get frostbit. Your temps, though cold to you, probably, sound pleasant to me at this point.
Hi, Mad,
Its can complain. Twenties are unseasonable for Alabama, I'm sure. Yes, complain!
Hi, Egghead,
And, I wonder if 32 is unseasonable for your area, too. The weather is mixed up all over.
Hi, Dairymary,
Yes, you've experienced some deep cold this winter, too. Yeah, wind and dampness make it seem much colder. Grandsons sound fun!
Hi, troutay,
I'm sure you've had similar cold temps this winter. Take care and stay warm and well up there.
Hi, Laura,
Go ahead and whine.....I don't care. Your temps are cold for your area.
I thought that cow pie was just SO pretty with its frosty flowerets.....and here it made you LAUGH. Oh, I am miffed!
Hi, rhymsie,
I should have made that clearer. The weather guys have been careful to differentiate recently. Some of the temps have been "Coldest for that day" and a few have also been "Coldest Ever"....meaning just that....the coldest temperature recorded since statistics started being kept.
Hi, Deb,
Oh, my.....snow in Georgia. Please everyone drive safe down there and stay warm and well.
It was 14 here yesterday with a wind chill of 1. So pretty warm compared to your neck of the woods. This morning dawned really cold, though. But now the temps are rising. And I hear we may get to 24 tomorrow! Yay! Because we're going for a walk. I just hope the camera works in the cold.
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