Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Basketball Lives On

Big game tonight.......the district semi-final. Get a load of our opponent's candy-striped warm-up pants:
My son is the designated jumper.......he didn't get the tip this time:
Can you tell the team is receiving crucial instructions in the next photo? There's four seconds left in the game, we are up by 2 points, and the other team has possession of the ball. Yikes. The coach is staring right at the point guard and saying, "You can't improvise; you have to do it right!" I couldn't even watch the last seconds of the game. Historically---during this season, anyhow---things haven't gone our way in intense, end-of-game situations like this.

But, guess what......the patterns of history can be broken. WE WON! We survive to play in the district final in a few days.
The game was so nerve-wracking......I feel as if I aged five years tonight. My scalp is tingling from all the new gray hair sprouts.


Trish said...

Ha...great writing..I felt as if I sat right there in the bleachers.

Caution/Lisa said...

You always make me smile.

Last night, Keith said he was surprised that the presidential election didn't spark more last days talk. I told him he really should meet you!

You know, I'm thinking of dropping the followers thing because I think too much about the numbers.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Trish,

Be glad....be very glad you weren't there. It was so nerve-wracking. I can't stand it! But, the winning I can stand, of course.


Hi, Caution,

Oh, my.....tell your husband to immediately dismiss any Last Days thoughts that enter his head. Please.

The "follower" list can be like a very slow basketball game.....scoring added every now and then. I don't know what will signal the end of the game, however.

Judy said...

Waht fun...and so glad 'you' won! Are those striped warm-up pants for real? Yikes!

We watched basketball over the weekend as well. Our Christian University (Trinity Western) is playing in the big leagues this year...and was up against the University of British Columbia in the western division...so we went to cheer them on. They lost...but will still be in next weekend's play-offs.

All the best!

Gigi Ann said...

Well, I am only one among the many who happen to think the candy-stripes are cute. The close games are the best, it keeps you awake and on your toes at all times. Sounds like you had a fun time.

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Judy,

Good luck to your team! May they do well in the playoffs....that's when the games really matter.


Hi, Gramma Ann,

Those striped pants were certainly eye-catching, that's for sure. Someone behind me said they looked like what the Globetrotters wear.

Yeah, close games are exciting, but at the end I get really nervous and can't watch.


Hi, Poetikat,

Thanks for cheer for the team! Good thing I had just colored my hair the other day.

Anonymous said...

Just cruising tonite on the blogs--saw your entry about the basketball game--I grew up in a small town in Iowa--oh how I miss tournament time!!!

Nancy said...

Wow those pants are something. Obviously it wasn't their mothers idea or they never would have worn them. Congrats to your son and team, how exciting for them. I suppose you'll have a few more games before the season is over, so I hope they go well. I always loved watching basketball. TB who is 6'5" never played until intermurals this year and I was not allowed to attend the games. :(

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Sue,

Thanks for surfing by. Hope the red stripes didn't hurt your eyes.


Hi, Nancy,

What.....you weren't allowed at your son's games?! By whose authority? Your son's? You should have gone anyway. Heehee. I know how that goes.

Yeah, we were all chuckling over the red stripes, but they certainly did catch the eye....not that that helps win or lose games.