Thursday, March 19, 2009

SkyWatch #36


Welcome to rural northeast Iowa, U.S.A. where fire-breathing dragons rule over sunsets!

dragon sky

Have no fear……its not really a dragon. (Its an old hay mower.)


Next we have a mountain range etched in evening sunlight:

sunset 1

Nah……you’re too smart to be fooled……there are no mountains in Iowa.


Here’s one more sunset scene for good measure:

sunset 2

Thank you for swinging by on your SkyWatch tour. If you’re not on the tour, then surf over to the official SkyWatch Friday website to join in the fun!


Gail said...

Beautiful is such an understatement for these.

Girl Tornado said...

All magnificent shots and I like your humorous take on them. :) I think Kansas and Iowa have similar skies, since the terrain is very much alike...

Merisi said...

Great skies and great dragon! :-)

Anonymous said...

Takes my breath away! I like your dragon.
Great photos!

Guy D said...

I love the dragon, great shots.

Have a great weekend!
Regina In Pictures

Gigi Ann said...

Your photos are lovely, as I've said many times before, Sunset pictures are my favorite.

Anonymous said...

Really neat photos - I especially like the dragon ;)

Barb said...

I enjoyed your whimsical photos! Beautiful colors you have in IO. I also like the name of your blog.

Sempringham said...

The dragon is brilliant. I think I'll just put my camera back in its box and consider drinking as a hobby.

Carol said...

Beautiful sunsets....gorgeous colors...recognized your dragon, I live in farming country also...

Deb said...

your photo is really soothing to gaze at. thanks

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Gail, Oz Girl, Merisi, April, Guy D, Gramma Ann, Joy, Barb, Sempringham, Carol, Deb:

You are all too kind! Thank you for visiting and for your good words. Enjoy many SkyWatch sites!

To Lord Sempringham: Don't you dare do that!!

Arija said...

Superb post, love the dragon and the gold lining to your 'mountains'
and the bonus sunset as well!

Jane Hards Photography said...

Just brilliant.

Laura ~Peach~ said...

absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!
I cant wait to see you in person and see some Iowa skies :)

Patti said...


nature ramblings said...

A dragon was the first thing I thought of when your site popped up on my computer. I love it!!!
Great photos. Thanks for sharing. Happy Friday

Lene said...

Very pretty sky. And the dragon is cool!

Jeannelle said...

Hi, Arija, Babooshka, Laura, Patti, nature ramblings, Lene, Poetikat,

Thanks to all of you, too, for stopping by to view these sky pictures and for your great comments!

As a kid, I often pretended the clouds on the horizon were mountains. What else can we do here in flat Iowa??

The fire coming from the dragon's nose was caught by accident.

Unknown said...

Lovely sky watch photos. You had me fooled on the mountains for a moment. I'm glad you cleared it up or I'd be searching all over the 'net looking for where there are mountains in Iowa!

Thanks for coming by my blog for SWF!

Light and Voices said...

Awesome and such whimsical photos!