Look at the sight that greeted my eyes when I tried to mail a letter the other day. More risky smooching! The mailman could have reached in and grabbed Fred and Bessie and whisked them off to Canton, China, or Walla Walla, or Timbuktu, or even What Cheer, Iowa! Enough is enough, I say!
Meanwhile, I made arrangements for Fred to spend time with an adventurous guy named Kendall who gives lessons in male bonding. The training is a bit costly, but hopefully will be worth it. Fred and Bessie simply MUST learn to do something other than smooch!!
The price included Kendall coming right here to our farm to give the bonding lessons. Isn’t that handy! At first I was taken aback by his formal attire and shoe-less feet, but it was obvious from the get-go that Kendall is a man accustomed to operating on the edge, tuxedo and all. Hopefully, Fred’s experiences with Kendall will resonate in such a way that Fred will grow by leaps and bounds, embracing the realization that his own penchant for smooching in precarious places causes anxiety for Bessie and is detrimental to her self-esteem.
Whoa! Kendall got right down to business! This frightening experience in the car should surely prompt Fred to do some deep soul-searching! Don’t you agree? (Kendall assured me that a percentage of this initial session’s fee goes to Sasquatch the Cat.)
Kendall was ecstatic to see so many trees on our farm. His second session involved the trainee---Fred, in this case---being encouraged to climb as high as possible, then close his eyes and depend on Kendall to provide a safe way down. Its all about trust and empathy. If all goes as planned, Fred will learn what its like to be forced to depend on someone else, and thus be more empathetic to Bessie’s plight when he lures her to dangerous places for smooching.
The giddily spinning wheels of the hay rake provided yet another opportunity for a breathtakingly risky learning experience. Fred clung to the tines for dear life while Kendall, being quite talented and coordinated, was able to utilize his arms for balancing. And, in fact, this lesson was all about learning to maintain balance in life.
Kendall required Fred to climb the elevator, too……right on the edge, no less. Fred took it like a man, appearing completely nonplussed. This lesson was about poise. At one point, Kendall spotted my husband out in the field and gave a hearty wave. What a refreshingly friendly guy!
Last, but not least, Kendall and Fred spent time swinging to and fro in the pockets of Husband’s chore jeans drying in the breeze on the clothesline. Actually, I thought this particular lesson appeared to be more about fun than anything else. I suppose Kendall feels obligated to include a little bit of that sort of thing in his sessions, otherwise the trainees might become grumpy and difficult to manage.
Let’s hope this male bonding training will prove beneficial to Fred, and ultimately to Bessie, too. Kendall came across as a very pleasant guy, well-dressed and coiffed, with an ever-present smile on his face. Normally, I’d be suspicious of a guy with a constant smile pasted on his face, but in Kendall’s case, the happy expression seemed truly sincere. When the training was finished, as he was preparing to leave, I asked Kendall about his formal attire....and his bare feet. He shrugged and told me sheepishly that he wears the tuxedo because he has NO other clothes, and unfortunately his shoes went missing many years ago. Can you imagine that!? My goodness. I then handed Kendall his check and he went on his way.....hopefully straight to a mens' clothing store.
I do hope Bessie is absorbing helpful insights at the women’s symposium. We’ll find out soon enough.
This is the first story I ever read that includes the word "giddily."
Surely you are not saying that male bonding involves getting into other people's jeans?
Hi, Gail,
Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!
Hi, rhymsie,
Uh-oh....is "giddily" not a word? I'll have to go look it up. You always find a way to make me worry about something I've written. Or a photo I've posted....such as the blue jeans one. How could you think of such a thing?? You've ruined my day....(just kidding!).
Did you know "giddify" is also a word?? It means "to render giddy; to daze". Cool!
Hi... that was a brilliant story.
I love the photos.
I hope you had as much fun putting this post together as I have reading it.
best wishes Ribbon
Omigoodness! You had me nearly in tears over here. I love Kendall. Hopefully he'll drive to my house and teach my boys a thing or two about male bonding. I can't WAIT to see what Bessie's been learning!
Oh, my goodness! Kendall is teaching male bonding these days, is he? I certainly wish him well in this endeavor, and applaud him for carrying on despite having such a limited wardrobe. If I were to allow myself some conjecture, I would guess that his former companion, "B," kept most of his clothing in exchange for the car. Kendall needs to spend the money you paid him for a paint job! Clothing and shoes can come later.:)
I think a tux on a farm is a nice change. Did get a kick out of male bonding in the blue jeans (snicker). Kendall looks like he has fine manners and should be able to teach Fred a thing or two.
OK, ahem, I have calmed down from laughing now. So I can just see you taking all these staged photos. I wonder if hubby has saw you at any time. He might just wonder what is happing to you Jeanelle. Especially if Fred and Kendall are forgotten in his pants pocket. Cute post.
OHHHH MY heart went out to poor bessie who had to go packing off by herself down that long loney road... I hope she got to the meeting safe and did nto stray to chew her cud and plot revenge...
Kendall and fred did some major bonding and some seriously deep exercises in trust... that mammoth cat sure rivals Hank in size... i wonder if he has a taste for beef too??? Looks like you guys are having alot of fun and F&B have recovered from their time with us.
you really do have to watch them in high places (never forget the lesson of lovers leap)
Giggles and HUGSSSSSSS
My heart is breaking for Bessie. Are we going to get a report on her meeting? It would just be too unfair if Fred got to have all the fun. P.S. In my next life, I am going to come hang out for a day with Kendall.
Farm Wife,
Great post. As someone said, I hope is was as fun to write as to read. I was a little worried about the jeans, but, whatever...I had serious questions about where you were headed wiith these two...now I know. Great job!
Hi, Ribbon,
Thanks for stopping by. Yes, don't tell, but I had great fun doing this silly post!
Hi, Flea,
Yeah, Kendall was a really great guy to have around. He may have relatives in your neck of the woods. And, yes, I'm anxious, too, to find out what Bessie learned at the womens' conference.
Hi, Pat,
You are close as to the reason Kendall has so few clothes. Actually, "B" received many more outfits over the years than Kendall did....he confided that to me. The poor deprived guy.
And, you must think it not proper for him to drive a pinkish-colored car. He didn't seem to mind....and his cummerbund was pink, too, come to think of it.
Hi, Leenie,
Truly, I wasn't bothered by the tuxedo. It was a treat to see one. And, yes, Kendall was very polite, and pleasant, as you can tell from his facial expression.
Hi, Egghead,
What?? Staged?? But, of course, you are correct. And, yes, I made darn sure that no one saw me taking these photos. I don't wish for a return trip to the psych unit, that's for sure.
Hi, Laura,
This will ease your mind....Bessie phoned me this evening during a break between sessions at the conference. She was able to hitch a ride with a farmer in a tractor, she said. That way she didn't have to carry the suitcase all the way, the poor dear.
Hi, Caution,
Oh, don't fret over Bessie. She's doing fine (read paragraph above) and hopefully learning to be a stronger woman. I'm not surprised you took a hankering to Kendall.....I know you have eyes for a handsome guy.
Hi, Reamus,
Yes, yes, it was loads of fun putting this post together. Lots of laughs and that can't be a bad thing. But, I didn't foresee readers getting so worked up over the blue jean scene. My naive mistake.
Gotta get off the computer. There's a storm coming.
Well, the ladies didn't get worked up, only a couple of us old guys who have been around the track a couple of times more than we care to acknowledge.
If something can be taken two ways, I always do. Not that you intended anything by it -- we just have male minds and there's nothing we can do about it. Well, there is, but I don't want to go there.
Hi, Rhymsie,
I'm having a good chuckle here, though in no way did I intend the blue jean photo to be suggestive. I saw the jeans on the clothesline and thought, "Hey....Fred and Kendall would fit in the pockets....cool!" That's all there was to it....very little thought involved in the decision.
Well said RWP, well said
My first visit here and I'm totally blown away. How do you guys think of all this stuff? ROFLMBO This is probably the funniest Fred & Bessie I've read!!
Hi, Debbie,
Thank for stopping in! Fred & Bessie inspire these stories!
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